神秘人Hooded Figure

神秘人是上古卷轴OL的一个 NPC。 The 神秘人 is a 布莱顿人 who is in the employ of a mysterious contact known as "the Benefactor". In reality, she is deceiving you to hand you over to the Worm Cult.
Related Quests
Quest-Related Events
The Hooded Figure will spawn in your alliance's starter city, and call you over for a discussion.
- 神秘人: "啊,你就是我要找的人。"
If you walk away:
- 神秘人: "我知道你很忙。我现在可以给自己找点事做。"
Speak to her to continue the quest:
- "Greetings. My benefactor wishes to speak to you about a matter that could affect the fate of our world."
- 你的恩人想要什么?
- "如果我的恩人想公开讨论细节,那为什么要派信使来呢?这件事只让你知道。"
- 那好吧。
- "我的恩人就在附近等我,不要耽搁了。"
- 我这就出发。
Her greeting will then change to:
- "我没什么可告诉你的了。你想满足好奇心的话,去找我的赞助人吧。"
Once you have left the area, she will despawn and not appear again. If you're a member of the Ebonheart Pact, you can find her fixing a cart in front of Sadreno House after accepting the quest.
- She uses the same facial preset and voice actress as 大地守护。