血债Blood Price
Rogzesh, the hearth-wife to Chief Ogzor, believes he was murdered. She suspects Glagosh, Chief Ogzor's hunt-wife, conspired to kill him. Rogzesh is convinced Glagosh secretly worships Boethiah, the Daedric Prince of Treachery.
目标: 交谈to拉格拜格我找到了a copy of Boethiah's Glory in Glagosh's tent, as well as Poisoned Hunting Blade in the giant camp where Chief Ogzor was wounded. Lugbagg and Stugbrulz heard her moving around the night before the chief was wounded. I should see what Glagosh has to say about this。
目标: 与罗切斯交谈我说服了罗切斯,告诉她格拉格什对奥佐尔酋长的死没有责任。我得和她谈谈,看看她能不能放下仇恨。