
黑暗启示录Dark Revelations



  1. 在我去见卡罗勒斯伯爵之前,阿丝塔菈让我与米拉贝勒谈谈。她可能有对我与伯爵会面有帮助的信息。

  2. 我需要在达斯克摩尔的废墟中会见科瓦奇以南的卡罗勒斯伯爵,这样他才能履行他的义务,告知我们关于黑龙的事。

  3. 卡罗勒斯伯爵向我透露,黑龙是时之骑士团的第一利器,且时之骑士团再次占领了科瓦奇外围的旧飞地。我应该去那里调查一下。
    目标: 调查飞地

  4. It seems the Order is amassing an arsenal. I should destroy some of these weapons before I head inside.
    目标: 烧毁攻城武器

  5. I entered the Enclave of the Hourglass and walked in on a meeting between one of the Red Sails captains and an officer of the Order of the Hour. I should put an end their negotiations.

  6. 很明显,一群红帆海盗将被纳入时之骑士团。如果我能阻止他们的入会,我便能阻止骑士团的壮大。

  7. 我打断了他们的入会行动。现在我应该四处看看,并试着找到黑龙或任何能让兄弟会在对抗教团的第一利器时占据优势的信息。

  8. While I'm here, I might as well destroy the Red Sails pardon.

  9. While looking for the Black Dragon, I ran into a woman named Lyra. Maybe she can tell me something about the Black Dragon and the Order of the Hour.

  10. Lyra agreed to lead me to the Black Dragon's chambers.
    目标: 跟随莱拉

  11. Lyra agreed to lead me to the Black Dragon's chambers. Now that she's shown me the way, I should see what lies within.

  12. 我应该阅读the Black Dragon's journal and take it back to the Sanctuary to find additional information about the mysterious warrior。

  13. 我应该回到圣所,告诉阿丝塔菈沙漏飞地发生了什么。我还应该在脑子里仔细思考我从黑龙那里找到的日记。
    目标: 与阿丝塔菈·卡尔莉留斯交谈

  14. 我应该告诉阿丝塔菈沙漏飞地发生了什么。