黑暗启示录Dark Revelations
目标: 调查飞地It seems the Order is amassing an arsenal. I should destroy some of these weapons before I head inside.
目标: 烧毁攻城武器I entered the Enclave of the Hourglass and walked in on a meeting between one of the Red Sails captains and an officer of the Order of the Hour. I should put an end their negotiations.
While I'm here, I might as well destroy the Red Sails pardon.
While looking for the Black Dragon, I ran into a woman named Lyra. Maybe she can tell me something about the Black Dragon and the Order of the Hour.
Lyra agreed to lead me to the Black Dragon's chambers.
目标: 跟随莱拉Lyra agreed to lead me to the Black Dragon's chambers. Now that she's shown me the way, I should see what lies within.
我应该阅读the Black Dragon's journal and take it back to the Sanctuary to find additional information about the mysterious warrior。
目标: 与阿丝塔菈·卡尔莉留斯交谈我应该告诉阿丝塔菈沙漏飞地发生了什么。