附魔师认证Enchanter Certification
如果我能证明自己掌握了附魔技艺,丹尼尔·特雷诺 就会给我进行附魔师资格认证。
目标: 与丹尼尔·特雷诺交谈I should go to an enchanting station and create a glyph. In order to do so, I will need at least one rune of potency, one of essence, and one of aspect. Once I have created the glyph, I should take it to Danel Telleno.
目标: 制作微型生命雕文:我完成了一枚雕文的制作。我得去和丹尼尔·特雷诺谈谈,获得认证,这样我就能接受附魔委托了。