
恶有恶报Reap What Is Sown



  1. 绿夫人需要一绺德鲁邦冠军的毛发。她会利用这绺毛发,把我伪装成德鲁邦,以防酋长阿格拉克无法解释维林港为何遭到袭击。

  2. I've obtained the lock of hair the Green Lady needs to disguise me as a Drublog. I should meet her at the chieftain's longhouse.

  3. I went to the chieftain's longhouse, but the Green Lady is nowhere to be seen. I should speak to the chieftain and see what's happened.

  4. 酋长阿格拉克拒绝与绿夫人交谈,这点证实了她的怀疑。她想把我伪装成一名德鲁邦,这样我就能知道酋长到底在隐瞒什么。

  5. 伪装完毕。现在前往海滩上找到萨满吧。绿夫人让我监视着他,弄清楚他在干什么。

  6. 萨满提到了海滩哨塔顶端的仪式和景象。也许我能从仪式里发现些什么。

  7. 举行仪式后,一只魔缚阵里的幽灵猎犬与我攀谈了起来。如果我能继续假扮德鲁邦,也许能从猎犬口中套到一些信息。

  8. Roku, the other Drublog Orc I saw in the chieftain's longhouse, wants to speak with me. Perhaps she knows the whereabouts of the Green Lady.

  9. 萝库表示,为绿夫人而设的陷阱已经触发了。她告诉我,若想救她,我需要向萨满德拉布尔乞求帮助。

  10. With Shaman Glazulg's help, I have a chance at freeing the Green Lady.

    The shaman said I should meet Roku at the entrance to the arena in the center of Dra'bul once I am ready to free the Green Lady.

  11. 我闯入了德拉布尔的竞技场,绿夫人被德鲁邦的陷阱困在此地。

  12. I need to destroy the four binding totems around the Green Lady in order to release her.

  13. 我闯入了德拉布尔的竞技场,绿夫人被德鲁邦的陷阱困在此地。她现在自由了,但猎犬回来了。我需要确保她逃脱成功,不会再被猎犬抓回去。

  14. 绿夫人逃脱了,获得了自由但却付出了惨痛的代价。我该离开萨满格拉祖格,为他女儿的安息哀悼。

  15. 我要和the Green Lady about her next plan of attack. With the Silvenar possibly in captivity and her city occupied by this "Hound," she may need my help once more谈谈。

  16. 我要和the Green Lady about her plans. With the Silvenar possibly in captivity and her city occupied by the Hound, she may need my help once more谈谈。