
让希尔维纳恢复如初Restore the Silvenar



  1. The Houndsmen, corrupted servants of the Hound, possess silver shards that may be the key to opening the city to the Silvenar. I need to collect some from the Houndsmen patroling the ravine beneath the town.

  2. I collected silver shards from the Houndsmen. Now I need to talk to Scout Anglith and find out what the Silvenar needs me to do next.

  3. I must take the silver shards into the city, but on the way, I have to defeat the Guardian of Silvenar, a huge creature protecting the outer bridge. Defeating it will give the Silvenar an opportunity to project his essence inside the barrier.
    目标: 打败希尔维纳守护者

  4. 我打败了守护者,至少暂时打败了。希尔维纳现在可以把他的精神投射到城市里。我应该在这段喘息时间内与他的塞伊克投影交谈。

  5. 希尔维纳相信,关押三个织歌者的束缚可以被解开,但前提是我要知道他们是如何被束缚的。唯一能告诉我这些信息的人就是猎犬帮术士了。我需要审问他们。
    目标: 了解织歌者因瑞尔的情况

  6. The key to unlocking Silvenar lies with the three spinners. I need to take the silver shards to them, but I don't know where they are. If I interrogate Houndsmen Bewitchers or talk to loyal townsfolk, they can tell me where to look.

  7. 我审问了一些术士,并了解了一些关于织歌者的情况。希尔维纳让我在城市中心的巨树下与他见面。希望他有更多的信息可以提供给我。

  8. 我需要进入织歌者的家,寻找解决他们监狱谜题的线索。\r\n\r\n希尔维纳说我可以通过解开谜题或杀死织歌者来释放他们,但他希望我选择前者。
    目标: 解救织歌者Einrel

  9. 织歌者的束缚被打破了。我可以回去找希尔维纳,看看他接下来需要我做什么。他应该就在巨树下。

  10. The Silvenar is using the silver shards charged with the spinners' energy to break down the barrier, but he needs me to get inside the Silvenar's Audience Hall and challenge the Hound.

  11. 如果我想解放希尔维纳,我必须在战斗中打败猎犬。但看起来我需要先和绿夫人战斗。希尔维纳说他会尽快来帮忙。

  12. 绿夫人的气场变了!就在不久前,我们还想杀死对方。现在,她看起来好像从某种恍惚中苏醒过来了。我需要和她谈谈。

  13. The wedding attendees have arrived. It seems Scout Anglith is here to deliver the Handfast. I should wait for her to pass it along.

  14. Scout Anglith delivered the Handfast, just in time. I should attend the wedding.

  15. 最年长的织歌者织歌者多斯利尔主持了仪式。我应该和她谈谈。