
艾尔登之根的星象仪The Orrery of Elden Root

If Queen Ayrenn is to prove herself worthy of leading the Aldmeri Dominion to glory, she must complete the ratification ceremony in the Orrery of Elden Root. Legends say it can reveal those worthy of becoming emperor … or empress.


  1. 我应该前往the Orrery and speak with Conservator Daraneth。

  2. 我要和保护者达兰斯谈谈。

  3. I need to activate both pillars next to the Orrery. To do so, I will need to use Rajhin's Mantle.

  4. 我激活了柱子。我应该和达兰斯聊聊看我接下来要做什么。

  5. 达兰斯叫我把the Heart of Anumaril放在the Pillar of Welke内部。这样的话应该能完全激活星象仪。

  6. the Orrery of Elden Root seems to be opening … something it hasn't done in centuries. I should wait to see exactly what is happening.
    目标: Watchthe星象仪

  7. Prince Naemon trapped us and entered the Orrery! Daraneth said I should use Rajhin's Mantle to free myself.
    目标: 使用拉金的斗篷解救自己

  8. 纳埃蒙王子作为一个怪物从星象仪出现!他似乎怒不可遏。我得在他杀害房间里包括艾瑞恩女王的所有人之前阻止他的暴行!

  9. 纳埃蒙王子已死。我应该与艾瑞恩女王聊聊她的目的。

  10. 尽管有危险,艾瑞恩女王还是坚持要进入星象仪。我应该等待她露面,看看她是会被批准,还是会遭受和她哥哥相似的命运。

  11. 艾瑞恩女王从星象仪处出现,浑身散发着奇怪的光芒。我应该和她谈谈。