
三个温柔的灵魂Three Tender Souls



  1. 监审官赫隆达让我与谋杀案受害者的家属交谈。我必须查清阿里林·玛拉维、埃罗尼·奥莫巴和纳尔丁·印达罗尔的情况。如果我需要帮助,我应该向监审官赫隆达询问更多信息。
    目标: 与登德拉斯·因达洛尔交谈

  2. 既然我已经和监审官赫隆达名单上的人谈过了,我应该进入停尸房,这样我就可以检查尸体。盖西斯·奥莫巴给了我一把进去的钥匙。他说我可以在风暴之城的郊区找到停尸房。
    目标: 查看ArilenMaralvel

  3. 检查完尸体后,我听到一个女人说她在停尸房有话要对我说。我应该弄清楚她想要什么。

  4. Smith Halva approached me in the mortuary. She asked me to meet Gethis Omobar at his home. Gethis Omobar swears he saw his wife, Eroni.

    Smith Halva said I can find Gethis Omobar on the east side of Stormhold, and she urged me to hurry. She believes Gethis may be in danger.

  5. 盖西斯·奥莫巴告诉我,袭击他的女人可能还在他家里。我应该进去看看能找到什么。

  6. I discovered a dead Shadowscale scout inside Gethis Omobar's home. The scout had a journal claiming the Shadowscales aren't responsible for Eroni's death.

    I should bring the journal to Vicecanon Hrondar. He's probably still by the guildhall in Stormhold.

  7. 我返回了监审官赫隆达,但他不在那里。我应该和监审官海塔梅恩谈谈。她似乎很想和我说话。