
木匠认证Woodworker Certification

如果我能证明自己掌握了木工手艺,米勒里斯 就会给我进行木匠资格认证。


  1. 我得和她谈谈,看看她想让我做什么。
    目标: 交谈to米勒里斯

  2. Millenith wants me to return with rough maple. I should search the nearby area she mentioned. If I don't find enough, I should search forested areas.

    Alternatively, I could ask a friend for help or purchase some from a guild store.

    目标: AcquireRough枫木:

  3. 我应该和米勒里斯 聊聊,告诉她我已经获得了足够的粗糙枫木。
    目标: 交谈to米勒里斯

  4. I need to craft and deliver a simple maple bow to Millenith. I must bring three pieces of sanded maple and one Breton style material to a woodworking station to create the bow. If I can't find a Breton style material, I can purchase one from any carpenter.

  5. 我应该告诉米勒里斯,我已经做好了枫木弓。

  6. I need to deconstruct the maple bow I made for Millenith. I can do so at a woodworking station.

    Millenith said I could deconstruct something else if I wanted to keep the bow.

  7. 我向米勒里斯证明了我的木工手艺。我该去找她谈谈,获得认证。一旦认证完成,我就能进行木工委托了。