

Sentinel of Rkugamz
怪物(1件)增加 4%造成的治疗
(2件)When you heal yourself or an ally you summon a Dwemer spider that heals for 23-1000 Health and restores 2-125 Magicka and Stamina to you and your allies within 5米 every 1秒 for 8秒. This effect can occur once every 15秒.
Swarm Mother
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 耐力上限
(1件)增加 25-1096 魔力上限
(2件)When you Block an enemy that is between 8 and 22米 from you, you spin strands of spider silk to pull the enemy to you. This effect can occur once every 1秒.
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487攻击穿透
(2件)对敌人造成伤害时,有 10 %几率生出蟹灵肢体,每0.6秒向面前发出冲击波,造成249 Physical damage,持续2.4秒。该效果每6秒生效一次,受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
怪物(1件)增加 3-129 魔力回复
(2件)When you take damage, you summon a shadowy Clannfear for 15秒. The Clannfear's attacks deal 615 Magic damage and apply Minor Maim, reducing the target's damage done by 5% for 2秒. The Clannfear can be summoned once every 15秒 and its damage scales off your Max Health.
Mighty Chudan
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487盔甲
(2件)增加 28-1206 生命上限
怪物(1件)增加 3-129武器伤害和法术伤害
(2件)When you deal damage, you have a 20% chance to spawn 3 disease spores in front of you after 1秒 that deal 1557 Disease damage to any enemy they hit. This effect can occur once every 8秒 and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Scourge Harvester
怪物(1件)增加 28-1206 生命上限
(2件)When you take damage, you have a 10% chance to create a beam that steals 2177 Health over 6秒 from the attacker. While the beam holds you gain Major Vitality, increasing your healing received by 16%. The beam breaks if the enemy moves further than 8米 away. This effect can occur once every 6秒 and scales off your Max Health.
怪物(1件)增加 3-129 耐力回复
(2件)在你受到伤害时,有 6 %几率产生0-13终极点,并使你的物理和法术抗性提高86-3731,持续5秒。这项效果每5秒生效一次。
Molag Kena
怪物(1件)增加 3-129武器伤害和法术伤害
(2件)When you consecutively Light Attack 2 times, you trigger Overkill for 6秒, which increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 13-560 but also increases the cost of your abilities by 8%. This effect can occur once every 6秒.
Lord Warden
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487盔甲
(2件)When you take damage, you have a 50% chance to summon a shadow orb for 10秒 that increases the Physical and Spell Resistance of you and your group members within 8米 by 73-3180. This effect can occur once every 10秒.
Spawn of Mephala
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 耐力上限
(2件)通过蓄满力的重击造成伤害时,你在目标下方制造一张蛛网,持续10秒,每1秒对4米内所有敌人造成218 Poison damage伤害并使其移动速度降低。这项效果每10秒生效一次,并受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 魔力上限
(2件)When you heal yourself or an ally, you have a 20% chance to summon a totem for 6秒 that heals you and your allies within 5米 for 704 Health every 1秒. This effect can occur once every 10秒 and scales off the higher of your Max Magicka or Stamina.
Engine Guardian
怪物(1件)增加 3-129 生命回复
(2件)When you use an ability that costs resources, you have a 25% chance to summon a Dwemer automation to restore 12-550 Stamina or Magicka or 45-1955 Health to you every 0.5秒 for 6秒. This effect can occur once every 10秒.
怪物(1件)增加 3-129武器伤害和法术伤害
(2件)When you deal direct damage, you have a 15% chance to summon a Lich crystal that explodes after 2秒, dealing 1360 Magic damage to all enemies within 4米. This effect can occur once every 3秒 and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Valkyn Skoria
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487攻击穿透
(2件)When you deal damage with a damage over time effect, you have a 8% chance to summon a meteor that deals 1342 Flame damage to the target and 447 Flame damage to all other enemies within 5米. This effect can occur once every 5秒 and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Maw of the Infernal
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 魔力上限
(2件)用轻击或重击造成伤害时,有 33% 几率召唤一只喷火魔怪,持续 15 秒。魔怪的攻击造成火焰伤害,每 2 秒交替一次。 每 13 秒只能召唤一次魔怪,它的伤害受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。