

Euphotic Gatekeeper
怪物(1件)增加 3-129 耐力回复
(2件)翻滚闪避时,将在翻滚后召唤一只海螯僵傀。处于海螯僵傀5米内时,它将为你吸收所有直接伤害。1秒后,海螯僵傀将爆炸,对5米内所有敌人造成1155 Poison damage伤害。该效果每20秒仅生效一次,并受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
Archdruid Devyric
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487 攻击穿透
(2件)使用重攻击造成伤害时,1.2 秒后对目标7米内扇形区域至多 6 名敌人造成 650 电击伤害,并施加持续 7 秒的高级脆弱,提高其 10% 所受伤害。该效果每 15 秒仅生效一次且受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
Baron Thirsk
怪物(1件)增加 3-129 耐力回复
(1件)增加 3-129 魔力回复
(2件)造成范围直接伤害时,标记一目标,持续6秒。每2秒过后,易爆小鬼将于区域附近生成,并在1秒后引爆,对4米内最多6名敌人造成362 魔法伤害,并施加持续10秒的次级胆怯,每1.5秒汲取1终极技能量。每个生成的易爆小鬼造成100%递增伤害。该效果每25秒仅生效一次且受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
Lady Malygda
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487攻击穿透
(2件)When you deal direct damage to a target within 12米, create a 5米 area that after 1秒, quickly moves forward and then returns, dealing 811 Shock damage to enemies and applying Minor Enervation for 5秒, causing the target to deal 10% less Critical Damage. This effect can occur once every 15秒 and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487盔甲
(2件)造成寒霜伤害时,在目标脚下创造一个持续6秒,范围为6米的区域,每1秒造成191 Frost damage伤害,并叠加持续4秒的25%减速效果。叠加至4层时,目标将被定身,并获得持续4秒的高级虚弱效果,使其承受的暴击伤害提高20%。该效果每15秒仅生效一次,且受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
怪物(1件)增加 28-1206 生命上限
(2件)When you use an Ultimate ability, the closest 6 enemies within 12米 have all Major Debuffs and Minor Debuffs applied to them extended by 1秒 per 20 Ultimate spent. This effect can occur once every 30秒 per target.
怪物(1件)增加 17-731 魔力上限
(1件)增加 17-731 耐力上限
(2件)使用重攻击造成伤害时,创造一个6米缓慢前进的旋风,持续8秒,每3秒范围扩大3米。身处旋风之中的敌人每秒承受150 Shock damage及150 Physical damage。身处旋风之中的友军减少10%魔力消耗和耐力消耗。该效果每20秒仅生效一次,伤害值受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
Magma Incarnate
怪物(1件)增加 3-129 魔力回复
(1件)增加 3-129 耐力回复
(2件)When you heal yourself or a group member with a single target heal ability, grant the lowest Health group member within 28米 Minor Courage and Minor Resolve, increasing their Weapon and Spell Damage by 215 and Armor by 2974 for 10秒. Daedric Energy will then bounce to a nearby group member within 8米, up to 3 times, applying Minor Courage and Minor Resolve for 10秒. This effect can occur once every 15秒.
Prior Thierric
怪物(1件)增加 3-129武器伤害和法术伤害
(2件)用限定范围技能造成直接伤害会在敌人下方生成一个高达6米的暗影旋风,持续7秒。身处其中的敌人每秒受到283 Physical damage,敌人因你的限定范围技能所受伤害每秒增加 5%。该效果每15秒触发一次,实际伤害值受武器伤害或法术伤害中较高的数值影响。
Glorgoloch the Destroyer
怪物(1件)增加 28-1206 生命上限
(2件)While in combat, each秒 you stand still grants you a stack of Flesh Fortress, up to 10 stacks. Each stack increases your Armor by 8-380 and your Critical Resistance by 0-38. Each秒 you move removes a stack of Flesh Fortress. Exiting combat removes all stacks of Flesh Fortress.Using charge and teleport abilities do not remove stacks of Flesh Fortress.
Immolator Charr
怪物(1件)增加 34-1487盔甲
(2件)增加 28-1206 生命上限
(2件)受到伤害时,如果你的生命低于 50 %,获得定身、减速和群体控制免疫,持续10秒。该效果每40秒可生效一次。
Zoal the Ever-Wakeful
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 耐力上限
Baron Zaudrus
怪物(1件)增加 12-548 耐力上限
(1件)增加 12-548 魔力上限
(1件)增加 14-603 生命上限
Encratis's Behemoth
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 魔力上限
Lady Thorn
怪物(1件)增加 28-1206 生命上限
(2件)在the blood ball can activate the Sanguine Burst synergy, dealing 2879 Disease damage to nearby enemies and applying Major Maim for 8秒, decreasing their damage done by 10%. Enemies can only receive Major Maim from Sanguine Burst once every 20秒. The damage scales off the synergy activator's Max Health.附近的Casting an ability that costs Health spawns a blood ball for 10秒. This effect can occur once every 10秒. You or an ally
Stone Husk
怪物(1件)增加 15-657暴击率
(2件)Your Heavy Attacks tether you to enemies for 5秒, as long as you remain within 12米 of them. Enemies touching the tether take 212 Physical damage every 1秒 and you gain a stack of Husk Drain, up to 15 stacks. This effect can occur once every 10秒 and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.When the tether ends, you consume the stacks and gain 0-30 Weapon and Spell Damage per stack for 5秒.
Kjalnar's Nightmare
怪物(1件)增加 3-129武器伤害和法术伤害
(2件)Damaging an enemy with a Light Attack puts a Bone stack on them for 5秒, up to once every 0.5秒. At 5 stacks, an undodgeable skeletal hand attacks your enemy after 1秒, knocking them into the air and stunning them for 3秒, or dealing 2221 Magic damage if they cannot be stunned. Enemies then become immune to Kjalnar's Nightmare stacks for 4秒. The damage scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Mother Ciannait
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 魔力上限
怪物(1件)增加 25-1096 耐力上限
(2件)When you deal damage with a melee Heavy Attack, you spew a cone of corruption, dealing 1492 Disease damage to enemies over 4秒. This damage is increased by 10% for each negative effect the enemies have, up to a maximum of 300%. This effect can occur once every 10秒 and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
怪物(1件)增加 15-657暴击率