上古卷轴OL目前一共有 6226 本书。
- 命运女巫:女儿之名(Wyresses: The Name-Daughters)
- 德莱恩的磨坊订单表(Deleyn's Mill Order Form)
- 《艾登王子的报告》(Prince Aiden's Report)
- 《购物游戏》(The Buying Game)
- 狼人皮(The Werewolf's Hide)
- 象牙王:英雄诞生,第一卷(The Ivory Lord: A Hero Born, V. 1)
- 兽人的真实本性(The True Nature of Orcs)
- 寒冷之屋的传说(Legend of Chill House)
- 与迪尔家族的契约(Contract with House Diel)
- 潜修者加里昂(Galerion the Mystic)
- Racial样式书3: The Wood Elves(Racial Motifs 3: The Wood Elves)
- 《克莱蒂的最后一则日记》(Claudie's Last Entry)
- 灵魂的真相(The Reality of Spirits)
- 《麦芽酒之战》(The Battle of the Ale)
- 瑞驰法师的阴谋(Schemes of the Reachmage)
- 红鸦的日记(Red Rook's Journal)
- 关于生之凋敝的笔记(Notes on the Mortuum Vivicus)
- 致我的评论家(To My Reviewer)
- 《多西娅的日记》(Doshia's Journal)
- 伊兹德船长的信(Captain Izad's Letter)
- 《格伦姆布拉的人民》(Glenumbra's People)
- 盘旋之路(The Coiled Path)
- 《娜蒂恩的日记》(Nadine's Diary)
- 关于我们的敌人(On Our Enemies)
- 里扎的血荆棘报告(Leeza's Bloodthorn Report)
- 象牙王:英雄诞生,第二卷(The Ivory Lord: A Hero Born, V. 2)
- 伙伴中的那些伟大先驱(Great Harbingers of the Companions)
- 夏暮岛远征(Exodus from Summerset)
- 法奥楚的命令(By Order of Faolchu)
- 牙齿换金币!(Gold for Teeth!)
- 伯依希亚要的证明(Boethiah's Proving)
- 君主的胜利,第三章(Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 3)
- 《马格努斯的赠礼》(The Gifts of Magnus)
- 奥瑞敦地区指南,第一章(Auridon Explored, Chapter I)
- 一根法杖,多根法杖(One Staff, Many Staves)
- 炼金术实践课(Alchemy Practicum)
- 崔尼马克的陨落(The Fall of Trinimac)
- 喀拉克·戴纳的陷落(The Fall of Carac Dena)
- 阿卢瓦斯的日记(Aluvus' Journal)
- 契约卷轴(Contract Scroll)
- 黑暗看护(Dark Ministrations)
- 炼金术基础(Fundaments of Alchemy)
- 躯壳与骨头(Husks and Bones)
- 莫拉特对闪电的见解(Mora'at's Theory of Lightning)
- 欢乐杀戮马戏团(Circus of Cheerful Slaughter)
- 练习需谨慎(Prudence in Practice)
- 莫拉瓦加利斯的秘密(The Mysteries of Moravagarlis)
- 《假设性背叛,第二部》(A Hypothetical Treachery, Part 2)
- 极乐(Bliss)
- 巅峰强者的感言(Quotes from the Greats)
- 摇摆不停(Stagger and Sway)
- 龙卫的传承(Legacy of the Dragonguard)
- 《圣人之道》(Lives of the Saints)
- 洛伍德之谜(The Rotwood Enigma)
- 重型护甲:锻造夫人的建议(Heavy Armor: A Forge-Wife's Advice)
- 雕文与附魔(Glyphs and Enchantment)
- 圆环之书,周日箴言(The Book of Circles, Sundas Maxims)
- 法兰格尔王酒歌(King Farangel's Beer Ballad)
- 虎人的武器与护甲(Khajiiti Arms and Armor)
- 兽人?可能会更糟(Orcs? Could Be Worse)
- 法克托·陆乐尔的报告(Factor Luluelle's Report)
- 格林布来:阿莱西亚教团(Glenumbria: Alessian Orders)
- 《瑞兰塔利的笔记》(Rulantaril's Notes)
- 蟹灵笔记(Notes on the Dreugh)
- 《奈恩之魂》(Spirit of Nirn)
- 矮人族上古卷轴 II(Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer II)
- 英雄之旅:龙神与失踪之神(Monomyth: Dragon God & Missing God)
- 《永恒古籍》(The Everscriven Tome)
- 符文石之谜(Enigma of the Runestones)
- 斗士公会史,第一部(History of the Fighters Guild Pt. 1)
- 反复无常的大泥蟹(The Fickle Nature of Mudcrabs)
- 奥瑞敦颂(Ode to Auridon)
- Racial样式书5: The布莱顿人(Racial Motifs 5: The Bretons)
- 《血荆棘的命令》(Bloodthorn Orders)
- 《迷途游子的挽歌》(Lamentations of the Lost)
- 《凯梅尔-泽遗迹,第四部》(The Ruins of Kemel-Ze, Part 4)
- 《尼本之父,片段二》(Father of the Niben, Fragment Two)
- 英雄之旅:“谢扎尔之歌”(Monomyth: "Shezarr's Song")
- 海尔辛祷文(Invocation of Hircine)
- 《2920年》第6卷(The Year 2920, Vol. 6)
- 《欢迎加入新先祖神州游击队》(Welcome to New Aldmeri Irregulars)
- 开锁高级技能(Advances in Lockpicking)
- 阿玛莱西亚与泥蟹(Almalexia and the Mudcrab)
- 魔族崇拜的存续(Persistence of Daedric Veneration)
- 呼唤忠诚者(Call to the Faithful)
- 《房门紧锁,第一部》(The Locked Room, Part 1)
- 《佩里纳尔之歌,卷三》(The Song of Pelinal, Volume 3)
- 法阵书:锻造箴言(The Book of Circles: Forging Maxims)
- 《哨兵城:阿里克尔沙漠的明珠》(Sentinel, the Jewel of Alik'r)
- 圆环之书,周二箴言(The Book of Circles, Tirdas Maxims)
- 坎蒂隆的信(Cantillon's Correspondence)
- 奥术古籍收据(Receipt for Arcane Tomes)
- 机会的愚行,第一部(Chance's Folly, Part 1)
- 马克拉·勒奇的记忆石,第一部分(Memory Stone of Makela Leki, Pt. 1)
- 狩猎的机会(Sporting Chance)
- 奥什古拉的毁灭日记(Oshgura's Destruction Journal)
- 龙爪猛击(To Smite with Dragon Claws)
- 安塞结界之诗(Epode of the Ansei Wards)
- 初芽月26号即将到来!(The 26th of First Seed is Upon Us!)
- 魔族传送门之书(Tome of Daedric Portals)