NPCNon-Player Character
上古卷轴OL目前一共有 25198 个 NPC。
- 索维·奥斯兰(Sovi Othran)
- 松加德狂战士(Sovngarde Berserker)
- 松加德斗士(Sovngarde Brawler)
- 松加德寒冰法师(Sovngarde Icemage)
- 松加德游侠(Sovngarde Ranger)
- 松加德杀戮者(Sovngarde Slayer)
- 松加德雷锤手(Sovngarde Thundermaul)
- 索苏伦(Soxuleen)
- 斯帕盖尔(Spagel)
- 火琳(Spark-Scale)
- 拳击学监(Sparring Proctor)
- 飞溅软泥(Spattering Ooze)
- 梅法拉的后裔(Spawn of Mephala)
- Speaker弓箭手(Speaker Archer)
- Speaker刺客(Speaker Assassin)
- Speaker破坏者(Speaker Ravager)
- 泰瑞纳斯议长(Speaker Terenus)
- 说方言(Speaks-in-Tongues)
- 轻声念咒(Speaks-Spells-Gently)
- 语云(Speaks-to-Clouds)
- 刀语者(Speaks-with-Blades)
- 用锤说话(Speaks-With-Hammer)
- 叶谈(Speaks-with-Leaves)
- 语光(Speaks-With-Lights)
- 枪头号水兵(Spearhead Marine)
- 标本 II(Specimen II)
- 旁观者(Spectator)
- 幽灵弓箭手(Spectral Archer)
- 幽灵刺客(Spectral Assassin)
- SpectralBattlecaller(Spectral Battlecaller)
- 幽灵熊(Spectral Bear)
- 幽灵剑圣(Spectral Blademaster)
- 幽灵护卫(Spectral Bodyguard)
- 幽灵强盗(Spectral Brigand)
- 幽灵蛮兵(Spectral Brute)
- 幽灵猫(Spectral Cat)
- 幽灵突袭者(Spectral Charger)
- 幽灵寒冰法师(Spectral Cryomancer)
- 幽灵守卫者(Spectral Defender)
- 幽灵尸鬼弓箭手(Spectral Draugr Archer)
- 幽灵尸鬼聚能者(Spectral Draugr Conduit)
- 幽灵尸鬼步兵(Spectral Draugr Infantry)
- 幽灵尸鬼军团士兵(Spectral Draugr Legionary)
- 幽灵尸鬼重击者(Spectral Draugr Mauler)
- 幽灵尸鬼术士(Spectral Draugr Sorcerer)
- 幽灵决斗者(Spectral Duelist)
- 幽灵执法者(Spectral Enforcer)
- 幽灵火焰法师(Spectral Fire Mage)
- 幽灵守护者(Spectral Guardian)
- 幽灵海螯切割者(Spectral Hadolid Peeler)
- 幽灵食脑虫(Spectral Hoarvor)
- 幽灵纵火犯(Spectral Incendiary)
- 幽冥灵鹿(Spectral Indrik)
- 幽灵恶魔(Spectral Infernal)
- 幽灵拉弥亚(Spectral Lamia)
- 幽灵狮(Spectral Lion)
- 幽灵重击者(Spectral Mauler)
- 幽灵缪丽塔(Spectral Militia)
- 幽灵泥蟹(Spectral Mudcrab)
- 幽灵杀人犯(Spectral Murderer)
- 幽灵惩罚者(Spectral Punisher)
- 幽灵烈焰法师(Spectral Pyromancer)
- 幽灵流浪者(Spectral Rogue)
- 幽灵森切虎(Spectral Senche-Tiger)
- 幽灵哨兵(Spectral Sentinel)
- 幽灵奴隶(Spectral Slave)
- 幽灵杀戮者(Spectral Slayer)
- 幽灵术士(Spectral Sorcerer)
- 幽灵风暴法师(Spectral Storm Mage)
- 幽灵扼杀者(Spectral Strangler)
- 幽灵前锋(Spectral Striker)
- 幽灵圣殿骑士(Spectral Templar)
- 幽灵雷光虫(Spectral Thunderbug)
- 幽灵战争祭司(Spectral Warpriest)
- 幽灵战士(Spectral Warrior)
- 幽灵狼(Spectral Wolf)
- 嗜血幽灵(Spectre of Bloodlust)
- 偏执狂的幽灵(Spectre of Paranoia)
- 变节幽灵(Spectre of Treachery)
- 施咒恶魔(Spellfiend)
- 咒术师吉尔瓦斯(Spellwright Girvas)
- 斯宾塞·赖伊(Spencer Rye)
- 蜘蛛(Spider)
- 幼蛛(Spider Broodling)
- 蜘蛛教治疗者(Spider Cult Healer)
- 蜘蛛教新人(Spider Cult Initiate)
- 蜘蛛教烈焰法师(Spider Cult Pyromancer)
- 蜘蛛教野人(Spider Cult Savage)
- 蜘蛛教哨兵(Spider Cult Sentinel)
- 蜘蛛教徒(Spider Cultist)
- 蛛魔(Spider Daedra)
- 蜘蛛守护者(Spider Guardian)
- 蜘蛛幼仔(Spider Hatchling)
- 蜘蛛女族长(Spider Matriarch)
- 蜘蛛女王(Spider Queen)
- 蛛群(Spider Swarm)
- 蛛魔人弓箭手(Spiderkith Archer)
- 蛛魔人狂战士(Spiderkith Berserker)
- 蛛魔人育种士(Spiderkith Brood Nurse)
- 蛛魔人猎种人(Spiderkith Broodhunter)