NPCNon-Player Character
上古卷轴OL目前一共有 25198 个 NPC。
- 莎莎莉(Thathali)
- 塔塔斯(Thathas)
- 索拉维尔·德雷斯(Thauravil Dres)
- 塔兹(Thaz)
- 撒扎赫尔(Thazahrr)
- 特哈兹格(Thazeg)
- 塔兹格拉鲁(Thazglaru)
- 憎恶(The Abomination)
- 审判员(The Adjudicator)
- 虔诚崇拜者(The Adoring Admirer)
- 隐士(The Anchorite)
- 至古者(The Ancient One)
- 飞升斗士(The Ascendant Champion)
- 上升行刑者(The Ascendant Executioner)
- 上升掠夺者(The Ascendant Harrower)
- 天命之主巴卡罗(The Ascendant Lord Bacaro)
- 上升法师商人(The Ascendant Magus)
- 奥勒尔(The Author)
- 驯兽大师(The Beast Master)
- 恩人(The Benefactor)
- 黑龙(The Black Dragon)
- 感染疫病的外壳(The Blighted Carapace)
- 鲜血大君(The Blood King)
- 血腥法官(The Bloody Judge)
- 船主(The Boatmaster)
- 骸骨贩子(The Bonemonger)
- 无聊总管(The Boring Seneschal)
- 黄铜蜘蛛幼仔(The Brass Hatchling)
- 凯斯特兰(The Castellan)
- 天界战士(The Celestial Warrior)
- 藏尸牢笼(The Charnel Cage)
- 焦黑王子(The Charred Prince)
- 控制守护者(The Control Guardian)
- 贪婪邪魔(The Covetous Damned)
- 胆小盾牌(The Craven Shield)
- 怪异炼金术士(The Creepy Alchemist)
- 猩红之母(The Crimson Mother)
- 被诅咒者(The Cursed One)
- 被诅咒的演说家(The Cursed Orator)
- 绝望巨魔(The Despair)
- 怒喉魔豹(The Devil Wrathmaw)
- 吞噬者(The Devourer)
- 玲珑之盾(The Drake of Shields)
- 乌木领主(The Ebon Lord)
- 藤花长老(The Eldest)
- 翡翠公主(The Emerald Princess)
- 特使祖恩(The Emissary of Z'en)
- 孤种(The Endling)
- 引擎守护者(The Engine Guardian)
- 永恒者(The Eternal One)
- 透光守门者(The Euphotic Gatekeeper)
- 永恒生长(The Evergrowth)
- 至高毒蛇(The Exalted Viper)
- 被流放的剑士(The Exiled Swordsman)
- 无面者(The Faceless)
- 堕落工头(The Fallen Foreman)
- 盛宴魔球(The Feast)
- 食火者(The Fire-Eater)
- 第一守卫(The First)
- 一号血肉巨像(The First Flesh Colossus)
- 火焰大君(The Flame King)
- 森林大君(The Forest King)
- 被遗忘者(The Forgotten One)
- 被遗忘的治安官(The Forgotten Sheriff)
- 寒冷女妖(The Frigid Temptress)
- 寒霜大君(The Frost King)
- 冰冻人(The Frozen Man)
- 笨拙尖刀(The Fumbled Knife)
- 光荣者库尔(The Glorious Coil)
- 黄金王子(The Golden Prince)
- 典雅指引者(The Gracious Beacon)
- 先知尊者(The Grand Prognosticator)
- 常青夫人(The Green Lady)
- 大地守护(The Groundskeeper)
- 守护者之灵(The Guardian's Soul)
- 守护者之电光(The Guardian's Spark)
- 守护者之力(The Guardian's Strength)
- 击败不肯离开的客人(The Guest That Wouldn't Leave)
- 隐士乌鸦(The Hermit Crow)
- 高地之狮(The Highland Lion)
- 虫巢领主(The Hive Lord)
- 空心人守望者(The Hollow Watchman)
- 猎犬(The Hound)
- 饥饿支柱(The Hungry Pillar)
- 瑕疵体(The Imperfect)
- 帝都行商(The Impresario)
- 贪食者(The Insatiable)
- 难解的谜(The Inscrutable Enigma)
- 铁之子(The Iron Son)
- 铁甲暴食兽(The Iron-Swathed Glutton)
- 象牙王(The Ivory Lord)
- 看守者(The Keeper)
- 钥匙(The Key)
- 巨兽昆冈杜(The Kurgando)
- 淑女星座(The Lady)
- 最后的哨兵(The Last Sentinel)
- 末血(The Lastblood)
- 熔岩女王(The Lava Queen)
- 领主(The Lord)
- 迷失者(The Lost One)