上古卷轴OL目前一共有 6226 本书。
- “大帝”萨纳雷尔(Sanarel the Great)
- 菲尔霍恩(Felhorn)
- 日记,第36天(Diary, Day 36)
- 《毁灭者雷尼尔》(Reynir the Destroyer)
- 《拉姬的日记》(Hlaki's Journal)
- 第一封信(The First of the Letters)
- 桥梁守军的抱怨(Bridge Guard's Complaint)
- 深入狮穴(Into the Lion's Den)
- 此路不通(No Passing Through Here)
- 给斯腾里克少尉的字条(Note to Lt. Stenric)
- 弗嘉尔的审讯记录(Fjar's Interrogation Transcript)
- 关于“梭默之拳”(Regarding the "Fists of Thalmor")
- 加隆的日记(Journal of Garron)
- 僵尸:进一步实验(Zombies: Further Experiments)
- 扎克西斯和欧格玛(Xarxes and Oghma)
- 传家宝花瓶(Heirloom Vase)
- 拖延意味着死亡(To Delay Means Death)
- 阿巴·阿尔故事集:胖妈妈(Tales of Abba Arl: The Fat Mother)
- 子嗣仪式(Rite of the Scion)
- 不满的雇主(An Irate Employer)
- 圣徒斯滕塔尔(Saint Stental)
- 强盗匪徒的日记(Bandit Thug's Journal)
- 吠咬据点萨满的清单(Barkbite Stronghold Shaman's List)
- 不可进入—说的就是你(No Admittance—This Means You)
- 正义者哈格洛夫(Hagrof the Righteous)
- 博祖尔的自杀笔记(Borzul's Suicide Note)
- 莎莱雅的日记,第2则(Tharayya's Journal, Entry 2)
- 新成员的第二份笔记(Initiate's Second Note)
- 观星者的随笔(A Star-Gazer's Ramblings)
- 《黑曜石之壳》(The Obsidian Husk)
- 惧牙洞穴的完美之处(The Perfection of Fearfangs Cavern)
- 誓要勇敢(The Pledge of Courage)
- 给卡迪亚的字条(Note to Cardia)
- 给亚泽西的信(Letter to Jazish)
- 马蒂森熔炉库存清单(Mathiisen Forge Inventory)
- 提醒(Reminder)
- 我甜美的花朵(My Sweet Flower)
- 养蜂争辩(Wasp Wrangling)
- 博学者降临,第一卷(Coming of the Learned One Vol. I)
- 博学者降临,第二卷(Coming of the Learned One, Vol. II)
- 隐蔽遗产成员的信(Veiled Heritant's Letter)
- 给大督军多尔滕的信(Letter to Grand Warlord Dortene)
- 安卡-拉守护者之书(Tome of the Anka-Ra Guardians)
- 来自齐默隆的警告(A Warning from Zimmeron)
- 《对北风矿场的印象》(Impressions of Northwind Mine)
- 艾拉给丹斯卡的信(Aera's Letter to Denskar)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 1: 锻莫Axes(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 1: Dwemer Axes)
- 《英格尔的待办事项清单》(Yngrel's To Do List)
- 蓝路要塞斥候笔记(Blue Road Scout Notes)
- 给市长的信(A Letter to the Mayor)
- 卡希皮亚内心的转变(Cassipia's Change of Heart)
- 骨头果园研究日志一(Bone Orchard Research Log 1)
- Racial样式书14: 魔族(Racial Motifs 14: Daedric)
- 新成员的第三份笔记(Initiate's Third Note)
- 耶纳达尔的日记(Yenadar's Journal)
- 《日记,第 12 天》(Journal, Day 12)
- 《日记,第 40 天》(Journal, Day 40)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 10: 锻莫Maces(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 10: Dwemer Maces)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 2: 锻莫Belts(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 2: Dwemer Belts)
- 给桑娅的信(Letter to Sonya)
- 只属女王之眼(Eyes of the Queen Only)
- 特朗布尔的字条(Trumbull's Note)
- 别问了(Quit Asking)
- 扎格鲁格的日记(Zagrugh's Journal)
- 泰姆瑞尔的兽人,第3卷(Orcs of Tamriel, Volume 3)
- 马希尔德建造了此地(Matthild Built This Place)
- 古精灵法庭的记录(Aldmeri Court Transcript)
- 大师佩林加尔的日记(Journal of Master Pellingare)
- 致祖尔加·格拉-莫塔的信(Letter to Zurga gra-Murtag)
- 戈尔文的来信(Letter from Gorvyn)
- 记后即焚!(Memorize and Burn!)
- 艾勒珊塔(Ilessan Tower)
- 行动召集令!(A Call to Action!)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 13: 锻莫法杖(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 13: Dwemer Staves)
- 蒙面遗族 - 警告(Veiled Heritance - Be Warned)
- 《市长的难题》(The Cannonreeve's Conundrum)
- 犯罪心理学(The Criminal Mind)
- 补给请求(Provision Requests)
- 圣阿莱西亚的试炼(Trials of Saint Alessia)
- 给命运女巫格温的信(Letter to Wyress Gwen)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 6: 锻莫匕首(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 6: Dwemer Daggers)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 11: 锻莫Shields(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 11: Dwemer Shields)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 4: 锻莫弓(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 4: Dwemer Bows)
- Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 7: 锻莫手套(Racial Motifs 15, Chapter 7: Dwemer Gloves)
- 一位信徒的遗言(Last Words of a Devotee)
- 斥候米拉的报告(Scout Meera's Report)
- 审判庭——活生生的谎言(Tribunal—Living Lies)
- 法师公会授权书(Mages Guild Authorization)
- 经久不衰的诺德社会(Enduring Nord Society)
- 我讨厌的人(People I Hate)
- 翠绿之手介绍(Verdant Hand Orientation)
- 卖开锁器(Lockpick Sales-Duty)
- 到底是谁负责?(Who Is REALLY In Charge?)
- 出租麻烦解决者!(Problem Solver For Hire!)
- 献给死者的赞美诗(Couplets in Admiration of the Dead)
- 给斯特文尼·洛萨雷的信(Letter to Stelvene Lothaire)
- 致颅骨兄弟山迪尔的信(Letter to Skull-Brother Xandier)
- 鬼魂是我们的朋友(The Ghost is Our Friend)
- 第一天(The First Day)
- 利刃之路(The Way of the Blade)