上古卷轴OL目前一共有 6226 本书。
- 给费德尔的信(Letter to Fadeel)
- 遗忘之书(Forgotten Tome)
- 瓦雷杜尔的日记(Vareldur's Journal)
- 攻破远古之树宝库(Cracking the Elden Tree Vault)
- 蝎子观察记录(Scorpion Observations)
- 匕落同盟情报报告2502(Covenant Intelligence Report 2,502)
- 伊扎尔德队长的命令(Captain Izard's Orders)
- 抓的过程最重要(It's the Hunt that Counts)
- 上古卷轴备忘录,次种月16号(Minutes of the Elder Council, 16th of Second Seed)
- 皱巴巴的竞技场传单(Crumpled Arena Flyer)
- 格林达拉干的忏悔(Glyndallagan's Confession)
- 帝都建筑师的信件(Imperial Architect's Correspondence)
- 论智魔人(On the Xivkyn)
- 龙祭司——现身!(Dragon Priest—Arise!)
- 第十二章:帝都盗墓者(Chapter XII: The Graverobber of Imperial City)
- 无畏者之书(已签署)(Tome of the Undaunted (signed))
- 神族研究介绍(Introduction to Aedric Studies)
- 场地管理员的信件(Groundskeeper's Letter)
- 论泰尔瓦石:第2卷(On the Tel Var Stones: Volume 2)
- 皱巴巴的纸条(Crumpled Note)
- 特兰的笔记(Terran's Notes)
- 帝都监狱惩罚记录(Imperial Prison Discipline Records)
- 这就是结局(This is the End)
- 死灵法师的日记(Necromancer's Journal)
- 一条逃离路线(A Way Out)
- 破旧的字条(Battered Note)
- 灰潭部落领导(Gray Mire Tribal Leadership)
- 论泰尔瓦石:第4卷(On the Tel Var Stones: Volume 4)
- 2920年,第26卷(The Year 2920, Vol. 26)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 3: 智魔人靴子(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 3: Xivkyn Boots)
- Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 5: 琉璃Chests(Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 5: Glass Chests)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 12: 智魔人肩部(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 12: Xivkyn Shoulders)
- 獠牙怒火摄政王的命令(From the Regent of Fanged Fury)
- 破破烂烂的纸页(Worn and Torn Page)
- 挫败魔族:大衮的邪教(Thwarting the Daedra: Dagon's Cult)
- 对市民问询的回应(Response to Citizen Inquiries)
- 邪恶的军团(Unhallowed Legions)
- 营火虫颂(Ode to a Torchbug)
- 磨损的字条(Frayed Note)
- 贝尔多尔的字条(Beldorr's Note)
- 千箭(The Thousand Arrows)
- 坚守者卢修斯(Lucius the Stalwart)
- 乌鸦使者(Crow Bringer)
- Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 13: 琉璃法杖(Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 13: Glass Staves)
- 给工匠作品的信(Letter to Artisans Craftworks)
- 谢扎尔和诸神(Shezarr and the Divines)
- 请开开眼(Plea for Open Eyes)
- 崇高火盆(The Sublime Brazier)
- 粗活和累活(Scutwork and Drudgery)
- 我们希望你们绝对谨慎(We Expect Absolute Discretion)
- 《家书》(Letter Home)
- 伊莱亚斯的日记(Journal of Elias)
- 论泰尔瓦石:第1卷(On the Tel Var Stones: Volume 1)
- 让他们疲于奔命(Wear Them Down)
- 我怀疑有诈(I Suspect Duplicity)
- 影鳞的日记(Shadowscale's Journal)
- Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 7: 琉璃手套(Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 7: Glass Gloves)
- 雕像引发的问题(Statuary Complications)
- 污损的尼德人祈祷书(Defaced Nedic Prayer Book)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 2: 智魔人Belts(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 2: Xivkyn Belts)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 10: 智魔人Maces(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 10: Xivkyn Maces)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 13: 智魔人法杖(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 13: Xivkyn Staves)
- 军需官的字条(Quartermaster's Note)
- Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 11: 琉璃盾(Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 11: Glass Shields)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 7: 智魔人手套(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 7: Xivkyn Gloves)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 8: 智魔人Helmets(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 8: Xivkyn Helmets)
- Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 5: 智魔人Chests(Racial Motifs 17, Ch. 5: Xivkyn Chests)
- 让我们的敌人付出血的代价(Blood for Our Enemies)
- Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 4: 琉璃弓(Racial Motifs 16, Chapter 4: Glass Bows)
- 格罗特酋长的沉思(Deep Thoughts of Chief Gloorot)
- “辉爪”听前辈调遣(For the Doyen, Sleek Splendid-Paws)
- 库洛格国王的生平,第一册(The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book I)
- 致督军冰心(To Warlord Ice-Heart)
- 憎恶仪式(Rites of the Abomination)
- 妮可瓦拉的狗窝的规则(Rules of Nikolvara's Kennel)
- 哨子(The Whistle)
- 库洛格国王的生平,第三册(The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book III)
- 库洛格国王的生平,第二册(The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book II)
- 荆棘之心的照料与喂养(The Care and Feeding of Briarhearts)
- 冰心的日记(Ice-Heart's Journal)
- 库洛格国王的生平,第五册(The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book V)
- 古老兽人语录:护盾(Old Orc Sayings: Shields)
- 信徒之路(Path of the Faithful)
- 氏族的运动(The Sport of Clans)
- 库洛格国王的生平,第六册(The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book VI)
- 库洛格国王的生平,第四册(The Chronicles of King Kurog, Book IV)
- 哨兵城不会再有货过来了(No More Shipments From Sentinel)
- 给亚扎拉的信(Letter to Yazara)
- 关于鹿角野猪的一切(All About Echatere)
- 巨魔脂肪的101种用途(101 Uses for Troll Fat)
- 瀑布旁的警告(Warning at the Falls)
- 瞭望塔颂(Ode to a Watchtower)
- 沃斯加的雷克尔:观察报告(Riekrs of Wrothgar: Observations)
- 卡尔-艾托的日记(Kal-Eeto's Journal)
- 国王的谜语(The King's Riddle)
- 月谣(The Moons Rhyme)
- 侦探维尔:禽类游戏(Investigator Vale: Fowl Play)
- 玛拉卡斯与崔尼马克(Malacath and Trinimac)
- 老斯纳加拉繁育指南(Old Snagara Breeding Guide)
- 玛拉卡斯与瑞驰人(Malacath and the Reach)