- 森林怨灵胫甲(Forest Wraith's Greaves)
- 森林怨灵肩甲(Forest Wraith's Pauldrons)
- 森林怨灵腰铠(Forest Wraith's Girdle)
- 森林怨灵长袍(Forest Wraith's Robe)
- 森林怨灵鞋子(Forest Wraith's Shoes)
- 森林怨灵手套(Forest Wraith's Gloves)
- 森林怨灵帽子(Forest Wraith's Hat)
- 森林怨灵长裤(Forest Wraith's Breeches)
- 森林怨灵短衣(Forest Wraith's Jerkin)
- 森林怨灵肩饰(Forest Wraith's Epaulets)
- 森林怨灵饰带(Forest Wraith's Sash)
- 森林怨灵上衣(Forest Wraith's Jack)
- 森林怨灵靴子(Forest Wraith's Boots)
- 森林怨灵护腕(Forest Wraith's Bracers)
- 森林怨灵头盔(Forest Wraith's Helmet)
- 森林怨灵护腿(Forest Wraith's Guards)
- 森林怨灵护肩(Forest Wraith's Arm Cops)
- 森林怨灵腰带(Forest Wraith's Belt)
- 森林怨灵利爪(Claw of the Forest Wraith)
- 森林怨灵利爪轻甲(Claw of the Forest Wraith Light Armor)
- 森林怨灵利爪中甲(Claw of the Forest Wraith Medium Armor)
- 森林怨灵利爪重甲(Claw of the Forest Wraith Heavy Armor)
- 森林怨灵利爪武器(Claw of the Forest Wraith Weapons)
- 森林怨灵利爪珠宝(Claw of the Forest Wraith Jewelry)
- 新生节盒子(New Life Festival Box)
- 所有家园地契信封(All Home Deeds Envelope)
- 伽林岛藏宝图I(Galen Treasure Map I)
- 伽林岛藏宝图II(Galen Treasure Map II)
- 失落深渊房屋礼包(Lost Depths Housing Pack)
- 高岛房屋礼包(High Isle Housing Pack)
- 焱歌配方信封(Firesong Recipe Envelope)
- 焱歌奖励装饰品箱子(Firesong Reward Furnishing Crate)
- 焱歌商人装饰品箱子(Firesong Merchants Furnishing Crate)
- 制作台宝箱(Crafting Station Crate)
- 靶子假人木箱(Target Dummy Crate)
- 所有之前可收集装饰品箱子(All Previous Collectible Furnishing Crate)
- 所有之前物品装饰品箱子(All Previous Item Furnishing Crate)
- 被遗忘的冒险者胫甲(Forgotten Adventurer's Greaves)
- 被遗忘的冒险者胸甲(Forgotten Adventurer's Cuirass)
- 被遗忘的冒险者肩饰(Forgotten Adventurer's Epaulets)
- 样式书页:佩林典范上衣(Style Page: Pelin's Paragon Jack)
- 样式书页:佩林典范头盔(Style Page: Pelin's Paragon Helmet)
- 样式书页:佩林典范护腿(Style Page: Pelin's Paragon Guards)
- 样式书页:佩林典范护肩(Style Page: Pelin's Paragon Arm Cops)
- 样式书页:佩林典范靴子(Style Page: Pelin's Paragon Boots)
- 样式书页:佩林典范护腕(Style Page: Pelin's Paragon Bracers)
- 样式书页:佩林典范腰带(Style Page: Pelin's Paragon Belt)
- 大型伽林榉树(Tree, Large Galen Beech)
- 伽林榉木苗(Sapling, Galen Beech)
- 向日葵花田(Flowers, Sunflower Patch)
- 向日葵花丛(Flowers, Sunflower Cluster)
- 大型伽林松树(Tree, Large Galen Pine)
- 伽林龙舌兰(Plant, Galen Agave)
- 伽林海水仙花(Flowers, Galen Sea Daffodil)
- 德鲁伊向日葵花盆(Druidic Planter, Sunflowers)
- 奇美拉贡品挂毯(The Chimera Tribute Tapestry)
- 大型奇美拉贡品挂毯(The Chimera Tribute Tapestry, Large)
- 森林怨灵贡品挂毯(Forest Wraith Tribute Tapestry)
- 大型森林怨灵贡品挂毯(Forest Wraith Tribute Tapestry, Large)
- 劫掠领袖的海精灵帐篷(Maormer Tent, Raid Leader's)
- 海精灵蛇形船头(Maormer Ship's Prow, Serpentine)
- 突袭者的海精灵帐篷(Maormer Tent, Raider's)
- 海精灵雕刻衣箱(Maormer Trunk, Carved)
- 海精灵炉火(Maormer Cookfire)
- 海精灵雕刻椅子(Maormer Chair, Carved)
- 德鲁伊右手雕像(Druidic Statue, Right Hand)
- 海精灵蛇形布窗帘(Maormer Curtain, Serpentine Cloth)
- 海精灵雕刻桌子(Maormer Table, Carved)
- 海精灵雕刻扶手椅(Maormer Armchair, Carved)
- 德鲁伊左手雕像(Druidic Statue, Left Hand)
- 德鲁伊仪式石(Druid Ritual Stone)
- 被驯服的花朵陷阱(Flower Trap, Tamed)
- 海精灵蛇形杯子(Maormer Mug, Serpentine)
- 德鲁伊花卉石制王座(Druidic Throne, Floral Stone)
- 海精灵蛇形小地毯(Maormer Rug, Serpentine)
- 德鲁伊王的藤之王座(The Druid King's Ivy Throne)
- 海精灵半毯(Maormer Half-Rug)
- 海精灵紫水晶海浪长地毯(Maormer Runner, Amethyst Waves)
- 西斯忒斯彩绘饰品盒(Systres Trinket Box, Painted)
- 海精灵蛇形茶壶(Maormer Teapot, Serpentine)
- 飞升教团骑士旗帜(Ascendant Knight Banner)
- 海精灵蛇形提灯(Maormer Lamp, Serpentine)
- 绿宝石怪异壁灯(Eerie Sconce, Emerald)
- 海精灵蛇形壁灯(Maormer Sconce, Serpentine)
- 重甲熔岩蜥卵(Vulk'esh Egg)
- 伽林古地图(Antique Map of Galen)
- 造船师的木工台(Shipbuilder's Woodworking Station)
- 失落深渊配方信封(Lost Depths Recipe Envelope)
- 失落深渊战利品装饰品信封(Lost Depth Trophy Furnishing Envelope)
- 失落深渊商人装饰品箱子(Lost Depths Merchant Furnishing Crate)
- 高岛配方信封(High Isle Recipe Envelope)
- 高岛奖励装饰品箱子(High Isle Reward Furnishings Crate)
- 高岛商人装饰品箱子(High Isle Merchant Furnishing Crate)
- 所有之前成就装饰品箱子(All Previous Achievement Furnishing Crate)
- 成就装饰品箱子1(Achievement Furnishings Crate 1)
- 成就装饰品箱子2(Achievement Furnishings Crate 2)
- 成就装饰品箱子3(Achievement Furnishings Crate 3)
- 成就装饰品箱子4(Achievement Furnishings Crate 4)
- 成就装饰品箱子5(Achievement Furnishings Crate 5)
- 成就装饰品箱子6(Achievement Furnishings Crate 6)