- 治愈之克瓦玛虫护胫(Cured Kwama Leggings)
- 织网者支架(Webspinner's Brace)
- 学徒裹腿(Apprentice's Leggings)
- 流氓踩踏者足铠(Scampstamper Sabatons)
- 侍酒师的手套(Sommelier's Gloves)
- 手工鞋子(Homespun Shoes)
- 铁战斗斧头(Iron Battle Axe)
- 命运之树雄狮卫足铠(Lion Guard Sabatons of the Wyrd Tree)
- 龙之血荆棘棱堡(Bloodthorn Bastion of the Dragon)
- 猪倌之裤(Swine-Herder Britches)
- 粗糙橡木(Rough Oak)
- 打磨橡木(Sanded Oak)
- 加布瑞丽的治疗法杖(Gabrielle's Staff of Healing)
- 生皮碎片(Rawhide Scraps)
- 生皮(Rawhide)
- 上等兽皮碎片(Superb Hide Scraps)
- 粗糙枫木(Rough Maple)
- 打磨过的枫木(Sanded Maple)
- 铁矿(Iron Ore)
- 翡翠(Jade)
- 黄麻(Jute)
- 生黄麻(Raw Jute)
- 绿松石(Turquoise)
- 粗糙桦木(Rough Birch)
- 命运女巫的命运之树树枝(Wyrd Branch of the Wyrd Tree)
- 天然水(Natural Water)
- 矮人重盔(Dwarven Helm)
- 次级生命再生附魔(Petty Enchantment of Health Regen)
- 雄狮卫拳套(Lion Guard Gauntlets)
- 狼人之皮红鸦肩甲(Werewolf Hide Red Rook Ailettes)
- 血荆棘罗莎琳之刃(Bloodthorn Captain Rosalind's Blade)
- 雄狮卫长裤(Lion Guard Poleyns)
- 杜桑特的古董匕首(Dusant's Antique Dagger)
- 卢布朗之鞋(LeBlanc's Walking Shoes)
- 诺埃洛姆家族传家宝(Noellaume Family Heirloom)
- 狼人皮狼人杀手(Werewolf Hide Werewolf Slayer)
- 走私者的马甲(Smuggler's Vest)
- 阴暗妖母的命运之树腐化枝条(Mother Murk's Corrupted Sprig of the Wyrd Tree)
- 欧狄的精致肩饰(Odei's Stylish Epaulieres)
- 英勇链甲(Gallant Chain)
- 雄狮卫腰铠(Lion Guard Girdle)
- 丹森特家族的传家宝(Dencent Family Heirloom)
- 匕落守卫腰带(Daggerfall Guard Waist Band)
- 古弗德的采矿头盔(Guifford's Mining Helmet)
- 雄狮卫战斗法杖(Lion Guard Battle Staff)
- 雄狮卫卓越头盔(Lion Guard Great Helm)
- 德莱恩国王的狼人皮长弓(Werewolf Hide King Deleyn's Longbow)
- 血荆棘史迪彭斯的礼帽(Bloodthorn Stibbons's Dapper Chapeau)
- 血荆棘守护者之锤(Bloodthorn Guardian's Hammer)
- 王的命运之树正义(King's Justice of the Wyrd Tree)
- 雄狮卫之傲(Lion Guard's Pride)
- 匕落护腿的狼人皮制战袍(Werewolf Hide Daggerfall Guard Tabard)
- 德莱恩国王的丝绸手套(King Deleyn's Silk Gloves)
- 克罗斯维奇采矿重锤(Crosswych Mining Maul)
- 守护者拳套(Guardian's Gauntlets)
- 清水(Clear Water)
- 德雷斯家族的印记(Sigil of House Dres)
- 铁胸铠(Iron Cuirass)
- 手工长袍(Homespun Robe)
- 生皮杰克(Rawhide Jack)
- 生皮护腿(Rawhide Guards)
- 手工长裤(Homespun Breeches)
- 铁腿铠(Iron Greaves)
- 枫木火焰法杖(Maple Fire Staff)
- 铁剑(Iron Sword)
- 枫木弓(Maple Bow)
- 铁斧头(Iron Axe)
- 枫木护盾(Maple Shield)
- 女王守卫胸甲(Queensguard Chestplate)
- 手工无袖短上衣(Homespun Jerkin)
- 泰尔瓦尼法术兜帽(Telvanni Spellhood)
- 特拉卡支撑重盔(Telacar's Sustaining Helm)
- 鳌钩(Cheliceral Hook)
- 空心月亮斗篷(Hollow Moon Cowl)
- 克瓦玛虫刺棒(Kwama Goad)
- 奥赛罗的火炬(Orthelos' Torchstaff)
- 拉金的弱化斗篷(Rajhin's Diminished Mantle)
- 女王之耳(Ear of the Queen)
- 乌卡兹剥皮刀(Ukaezai's Scalpel)
- 瓦因达斯肩甲(Vinedusk Pauldrons)
- 被杀害的梅森的靴子(Murdered Mason's Boots)
- 笨拙炼金术士臂甲(Clumsy Alchemist's Vambraces)
- 吠咬胫甲(Barkbite Greaves)
- 耳语手套(Whispering Gloves)
- 寒鸦长靴(Jackdaw's Galoshes)
- 血鲨弯刀(Bloodshark's Cutlass)
- 蕨叶树枝桠(Brackenleaf's Bough)
- 埋骨巨木之笼(Barrowbough's Cage)
- 谢尔格拉的抉择(Sheogorath's Choice)
- 赤皮交易手套(Redfur Trading Gloves)
- 军需官的秘密(Quartermaster's Secret)
- 熏香皮甲(Scented Leathers)
- 神龛长袍(Reliquarian's Robes)
- 宣泄指环(Cathartic Band)
- 艾莉茜腐臭之裤(Alyxe's Rancid Pants)
- 史迪彭斯的错位饰带(Stibbons's Misplaced Sash)
- 水妖便鞋(Nereid's Slippers)
- 性能不佳的腰带(Belt of the Bad Performance)
- 阿巴德肩甲(Abaede Pauldrons)
- 吠咬胸甲(Barkbite Breastplate)