- 全皮腰带(Full-Leather Belt)
- 矮人胫甲(Dwarven Greaves)
- Glyph of Frost Resist(Glyph of Frost Resist)
- 雕文of寒霜(Glyph of Frost)
- 雕文of硬化(Glyph of Hardening)
- 钢重盔(Steel Helm)
- 钢重盔(Steel Helm)
- Planed Maple(Planed Maple)
- 钢重盔(Steel Helm)
- Thin Rawhide(Thin Rawhide)
- 兽皮头盔(Fell Helmet)
- 铁锭(Iron Ingot)
- 高铁矿(High Iron Ore)
- 余烬之眼(Ember Eye)
- 梣木盾灵(Aegis of Ash)
- 帝都战锤(Imperial Warhammer)
- 矮人锭(Dwarven Ingot)
- 乌木锭(Ebony Ingot)
- 厚皮革碎片(Thick Leather Scraps)
- 噬岩者重槌(Stonechewer Maul)
- 痛苦短刀(Scimitar of Suffering)
- 途歇守卫腰铠(Wayrest Guard's Cincture)
- 午夜联盟肩饰(Midnight Union Ailettes)
- 厨师的围裙(Chef's Apron)
- 斯拉希的无赖践踏者(S'Rashi's Deadbeat Stompers)
- 阿尔凯瑞之旗头盔(Alcaire Banneret's Helm)
- 加斯的手套(Garth's Gages)
- 魔导师之杖(Magister's Staff)
- 巨魔之友(Troll Friend)
- 克兰多尔的肩铠(Klaandor's Pauldrons)
- 鸦卫手套(Ravenwatch Gloves)
- 鸦卫肩甲(Ravenwatch Rerebraces)
- 赫萝瑟的的死灵法杖(Heloise's Staff of Necropotence)
- 吉诺弗之刃(Gennove's Blade)
- 吸血鬼斗篷之达西厄的背叛之斧(Dathieu's Traitorous Axe of the Vampire's Cloak)
- 黑暗阔步之鸦卫胸铠(Darkstride Ravenwatch Cuirass)
- 黑暗阔步之瑞扎尔·朱尔的匕首(Darkstride Reezal-Jul's Dagger)
- 至高王的印戒(High King's Signet)
- 死灵全能之瑞扎尔·朱尔的长袍(Reezal-Jul's Necrotic Robes of Necropotence)
- 黑暗阔步之鸦卫腰铠(Darkstride Ravenwatch Girdle)
- 黑暗阔步之银蹄谷指环(Darkstride Silverhoof Loop)
- 吸血鬼斗篷之断盔城守卫铁靴(Shornhelm Guard Sollerets of the Vampire's Cloak)
- 死灵全能之伊卓德的婚礼面纱(Edrald's Wedding Veil of Necropotence)
- 安杜萨的狩猎弓(Adusa's Hunting Bow)
- 鸦卫面具(Ravenwatch Mask)
- 永恒之树分割者(Eternal Tree Spliter)
- 内德拉斯的皮裤(Nedras' Leather Pants)
- 黑暗阔步之鸦卫长靴(Darkstride Ravenwatch Boots)
- 死灵全能之古墓之锤(Barrow Hammer of Necropotence)
- 吸血鬼斗篷之兽皮疾走英雄项链(Fell's Run Hero Necklace of the Vampire's Cloak)
- 死灵全能之史迪彭斯的华丽肩饰(Stibbons's Fancy Epaulettes of Necropotence)
- 多雷尔家族腿铠(House Dorell Greaves)
- 吸血鬼斗篷之多雷尔家族胸铠(House Dorell Cuirass of the Vampire's Cloak)
- 吸血鬼斗篷之鸦卫法杖(Ravenwatch Staff of the Vampire's Cloak)
- 野精灵巨剑(Ayleid Greatsword)
- 断盔城守卫腰带(Shornhelm Guard Baldric)
- 阿凯的臂甲(Arkay's Vambraces)
- 伊格诺伯特的饰带(Ignobert's Sash)
- 洛森的粉碎之锤(Lothson's Smasher)
- 神殿守卫肩甲(Ordinator Rerebrace)
- 沙德阿祖拉学院长袍(Shad Astula Academy Robes)
- 神殿守卫腿甲(Ordinator Chausses)
- 哈拉鲁肩铠(Hlaalu Pauldrons)
- 赫拉莱克的痛苦(Khralek's Anguish)
- 娜尤的备用刀刃(Naryu's Spare Blade)
- 商队主人的戒指(Caravan Master's Ring)
- 断盔城守卫面盔(Shornhelm Guard Armet)
- 克瓦玛虫采矿手套(Kwama Mining Gloves)
- 无梦之杖(Dreamless Staff)
- 耐用棉甲(Hardy Quilted Aketon)
- 格罗的基础指环(Gloo's Primer)
- 擦洗者之鳞(Scourer's Scale)
- 贾卡恩的弯刀(Jakarn's Machete)
- 狼人皮之基普的侠盗护腿(Werewolf Hide Kip's Roguish Leathers)
- 塞恩的靴刀(Seyne's Bootknife)
- 裂骨者(Bonesplinter)
- 克瓦玛虫结晶盾牌(Kwama Cuttle Shield)
- 远古守望者腿铠(Ancient Warden's Greaves)
- 巴拉的订婚吊坠(Bala's Engagement Chain)
- 大衮-莫拉格之刺(Dagon Morag)
- 考辛家族的风帽(House Cousin's Cowl)
- 反叛之锤(Rebellion Mace)
- 考辛家族的头盔(House Cousin's Helm)
- 亚历山德拉的寒冰法杖(Alexandra's Froststaff)
- 阿卡维尔人战争拳套(Gauntlets of the Akaviri War)
- 泰尔瓦战争束带(Telvanni Warsash)
- 达尔吉的盾牌(Darj's Shield)
- 哈拉鲁商人的腰带(Hlaalu Trader's Belt)
- 灰原之民腰铠(Ashlander's Girdle)
- 神殿守护者的披肩(Temple Keeper's Spaulders)
- 服从巨斧(Great Axe of Obedience)
- 阿赫纳拉之静谧便鞋(Ahknara's Silent Slippers)
- 瑞多然首席法师长袍(Redoran Archmage's Robes)
- 科尔·坎墩的雷电之杖(Boltstaff of Koal Canton)
- 福克温的阴影外套(Falkwind's Shadewrap)
- 瓜尔之血戒指(Guarblood Ring)
- 要塞肩铠(Pauldrons of the Holdfast)
- 莫塔尖牙(Mota Fang)
- 沼泽斗篷(Murkreed Mantle)
- 孔瑟林板甲肩铠(Kothringi Plate Pauldrons)