- 鬼火斩(Wispcutter)
- 商人眷顾之戒(Merchant's Favor Ring)
- 沼泽舞者的长裤(Fen Dancer's Poleyns)
- 希思特树根指环(Hist's Root Band)
- 神殿守卫头盔(Ordinator Helm)
- 野心领主戒指(Ring of Ambition)
- 炼金术士护符(Amulet of the Alchemist)
- 法师的悔恨(Mage's Regret)
- 马尔戈斯将军的腰带(General Malgoth's War Harness)
- 月亮石圈阵马裤(Moonhenge Chausses)
- 瓦伦之心的保卫者(Defender of the Valenheart)
- 蛮夷腰带(Everfull Girdle)
- 狂野长袍(Robes of the Wilder)
- 山谷遗产长裤(Vale's Legacy Leggings)
- 守望者头盔(Watchman's Helm)
- 震地者法杖(Earth-Shaker Staff)
- 灰烬之刃(Ashenblade)
- 野精灵王之剑(Blade of the Ayleid King)
- 执法者臂甲(Enforcer's Vambraces)
- 鼠皮靴子(Rathide Boots)
- 守护者腰铠(Guardians' Girdle)
- 记忆法杖(Staff of Memory)
- 追踪者长裤(Tracker's Chausses)
- 蜥蜴皮护盾(Lizardhide Shield)
- 巨魔粉碎者(Trollsmasher)
- 瓦因达斯法杖(Vinedusk Staff)
- 猛犸象猎人的斗篷(Mammoth Hunter's Mantle)
- 追踪大师之弓(Master Tracker's Bow)
- 帕莉尔的破旧兜帽(Pariel's Torn Hood)
- 雾之行者的腰带(Mistwalker's Cord)
- 木眼环饰(Circlet of the Wooded Eye)
- 木炉城胸甲(Woodhearth Breastplate)
- 巨蛇法杖(Staff of the Serpent)
- 胜利肩甲(Triumphant Spaulders)
- 萨尔加索的诅咒(Sargasso's Curse)
- 猎人的头盖骨(Hunter's Skullcap)
- 迅捷正义之锤(Hammer of Swift Justice)
- 媒人的便鞋(Matchmaker's Slippers)
- 优良丝绸手套(Fine Silk Gloves)
- 血腥战靴(Bloody War Boots)
- 赎回手斧(Redeemed Hand Axe)
- 森林保护者拳套(Gauntlets of the Forest Protector)
- 利爪拳套(Gauntlets of the Claw)
- 埃塔亚之泪(Ehtayah's Tear)
- 森切兽皮腰铠(Senche Hide Girdle)
- 女王守卫戒指(Queensguard Ring)
- 走私者沙之雨式弯刀(Khaj Rawlith Crescent of the Smuggler)
- 女王之眼利刃(Blade of the Eye)
- 工匠的外衣(Artificer's Vestments)
- 乔木黎明胸甲(Arbordawn Breastplate)
- 解放者皮裤(Leathers of the Emancipator)
- 神圣项链(Chain of the Hallowed)
- 虔诚胫甲(Faithful Greaves)
- 老兵的战锤(Veteran's Warhammer)
- 解放者的手套(Emancipator's Gloves)
- 皮尔卡莫的白霜法杖(Pircalmo's Rimestaff)
- 神圣之锤(Gavel of the Hallowed)
- 亵渎重靴(Desecration Treads)
- 巨魔杀手的腰铠(Trollslayer's Girdle)
- 叛徒之靴(Traitor's Treads)
- 赤裸诺德人的长裤(Naked Nord's Pants)
- 塔兹卡德的戒指(Tazkad's Band)
- 瓦尔度护盾(Valdur's Shield)
- 雅基尔的肩甲(Gjakil's Shoulder Cops)
- 特雷瓦之弓(Treva's Bow)
- 哈克拉的腿甲(Hakra's Cuisses)
- 伙伴马裤(Companion's Chausses)
- 裂石斧(Rocksplitter)
- 维哥罗德的上衣(Vigrod's Cuirboilli Vest)
- 保卫者的胸甲(Defender's Breastplate)
- 信号手的手套(Signaler's Gloves)
- 托维莎的匕首(Tovisa's Dagger)
- 黑虫粉碎者的斧头(Wormcrusher's Axe)
- 迷人的戒指(Fascinating Ring)
- 英格尔的手套(Yngrel's Mitts)
- 吟游诗人的外衣(Bardic Surcoat)
- 领主守卫头盔(Thane-Guard's Helm)
- 丝绒饰带(Silk Velvet Sash)
- 苦艾法杖(Wormwood Staff)
- 亨利奇战靴(Honrich War Boots)
- 血石指环(Bloodstone Ring)
- 公约图章(Pact Signet)
- 欧德韦德的吊坠(Odvild's Pendant)
- 裂牙之棍(Cracktooth's Club)
- 乔伦的赞扬(Jorunn's Commendation)
- 阿瑟瑞恩(Aetherian)
- 白霜之杖(Staff of Rime)
- 维韦卡的腰带(Viveka's Belt)
- 裂谷城头盔(Helm of Riften)
- 白骨祸根(Bonebane)
- 护云者之帽(Cloudkeeper's Cap)
- 远视外衣(Vest of Long Sight)
- 猎犬杀手之斧(Axe of the Houndslayer)
- 树液魔戒(Sapmagic Ring)
- 猎犬重盔(The Hound's Helm)
- 寒霜使者(Frostbringer)
- 风暴之盾(Storm Shield)
- 炽热之剑(Sword of Sizzling)
- 狼人之父胫甲(Greaves of the Wolf-Father)
- 耶弗尔图腾(Totem of Y'ffre)