- 紫杉木护盾(Yew Shield)
- 赃物(Stolen Goods)
- 走私者的幸运珠(Smuggler's Luck Beads)
- 虫巢领主之壳(Hive Lord's Shell)
- 洛斯安的燃烧拐杖(Llothan's Burning Crutch)
- 鼠尾鳕项链(Rattail Necklace)
- 加隆的冷酷背叛(Garron's Cold Betrayal)
- 摇曳的气母触手(Lambent Netch Tentacles)
- 族长的权杖(Canonreeve's Scepter)
- 祖母的花边(Grandmother's Lace)
- 窒息荆棘的治疗之根(Chokethorn's Healing Root)
- 藤蔓吊坠(Pendant of Vines)
- 大副的标记(First Mate's Mark)
- 空心吊坠(Hollow-Heart Pendant)
- 驯兽大师的庄稼(Beastmaster's Crop)
- 狼群法杖(Wolfpack Staff)
- 坩埚区之阔剑(Claymore of the Crucible)
- 队长的勋章(Captain's Medallion)
- 鸦母的分支(Roost Mother's Branch)
- 颅骨制造者(Skullmaker)
- 割网者(Webcutter)
- 巨人脚趾项链(Necklace of Giant Toes)
- 阿塔鲁斯粉碎机(Atarus' Masher)
- 蛛网膜之戒(Arachnoid Ring)
- 伊利亚克湾宝石(Jewels of the Iliac Bay)
- 莫拉格帮的标记(Mark of the Morag Tong)
- 掠夺者之戒(Pillager's Ring)
- 恶皮獠牙(Foulhide's Fang)
- 树领主的印记(Treethane's Sigil)
- 西帝斯的诅咒之牙(Cursed Fang of Sithis)
- 护卵人护手(Egg-Tender's Guard)
- 死敌之肤护腿(Wrap of My Enemy's Skin)
- 希思特的力量之链(Chain of Hist's Power)
- 夕月权杖(Selene's Scepter)
- 皮革碎片(Leather Scraps)
- 兽皮碎片(Fell Hide Scraps)
- 皮革(Leather)
- 厚皮革(Thick Leather)
- 脱落的兽皮(Fell Hide)
- 星陨石矿石(Orichalcum Ore)
- 矮人金属矿石(Dwarven Ore)
- 乌木矿石(Ebony Ore)
- 山铜锭(Orichalcum Ingot)
- 粗糙榉木(Rough Beech)
- 粗糙山核桃木(Rough Hickory)
- 粗糙紫杉木(Rough Yew)
- 打磨过的榉木(Sanded Beech)
- 打磨过的山核桃木(Sanded Hickory)
- 打磨过的紫杉木(Sanded Yew)
- 棉(Cotton)
- 蛛丝(Spidersilk)
- 乌丝(Ebonthread)
- 原棉(Raw Cotton)
- 生蛛丝(Raw Spidersilk)
- 生乌丝草(Raw Ebonthread)
- 水银钢矿石(Galatite Ore)
- 水银矿石(Quicksilver Ore)
- 虚无石矿石(Voidstone Ore)
- 粗糙红木(Rough Mahogany)
- 粗糙夜木(Rough Nightwood)
- 头层兽皮碎片(Topgrain Hide Scraps)
- 铁兽皮碎片(Iron Hide Scraps)
- 火焰蛋白石(Fire Opal)
- 红玉髓(Carnelian)
- 石榴石(Garnet)
- 蓝宝石(Sapphire)
- 橄榄石(Chysolite)
- 紫水晶(Amethyst)
- 钻石(Diamond)
- 贵榴石(Almandine)
- 净水(Cleansed Water)
- 过滤水(Filtered Water)
- 纯化水(Purified Water)
- 云雾(Cloud Mist)
- 屠熊者(Bearslayer)
- 索兰的契约戒指(Thoran's Bond-Ring)
- 长爪之弓(Longclaw's Bow)
- 冒险者的失落勋章(Adventurer's Lost Medallion)
- 黑死神盾牌(Shield of the Black Death)
- 硫磺法杖(Brimstone Staff)
- 流氓领主的徽章(Scamplord's Signet)
- 骨锤(Bonehammer)
- 丛林之杖(Staff of the Grove)
- 狂野之槌(Wildmaul)
- 大法师礼杖(Archmaster's Ritestaff)
- 背叛者之斧(Betrayer's Axe)
- 扎文的末日之杖(Zaven's Doomstaff)
- 贝利萨罗之箭(Belisaro's Bolt)
- 亚索尔的割裂之声(Athor's Sundering Voice)
- 甜美之歌(Sweetsong)
- 罗莎里尔的项链(Rothariel's Necklace)
- 自然之约法杖(Staff of Nature's Accord)
- Rearguard's Insignia(Rearguard's Insignia)
- 铁胸铠(Iron Cuirass)
- 铁腿铠(Iron Greaves)
- 手工长袍(Homespun Robe)
- 手工长裤(Homespun Breeches)
- 手工无袖短上衣(Homespun Jerkin)
- 生皮杰克(Rawhide Jack)
- 生皮护腿(Rawhide Guards)