- 铜香炉(Copper Censer)
- 莫库尔氏族旗帜(Morkul Clan Banner)
- 里德尔塔尔的恶作剧道具箱(Riddle'Thar's Box of Pranks)
- 玛拉卡斯的黄铜暖臀器(Malacath's Brass Arse Warmer)
- 白化白鲑潜鸟标本(Stuffed Albino Chub Loon)
- 古旧的望远镜(Antique Spyglass)
- 附魔暖手器(Enchanted Handwarmer)
- 宠物蟋蟀笼(House Cricket Cage)
- 雕刻洋葱笛(Carved Onion Flute)
- 手工针织羊毛围巾(Hand-Knitted Woolen Scarf)
- 狐狸毛皮耳罩(Fox Fur Ear Muffs)
- 莫塔氏族钓具箱(Murtag Clan Tacklebox)
- 沙图尔氏族鹿角野猪油漆(Shatul Clan Echatere Paint)
- 织梦者幽魂悬饰物(Dreamweaver Wisp Mobile)
- “兽人协鸣”风琴("Orc-Cordian" Squeeze Box)
- 华丽的迪亚戈纳旗帜(Ornate Diagna Banner)
- 银制鼻毛剪(Silver Nosehair Clippers)
- 鹰妖羽毛书法套装(Harpy Feather Calligraphy Set)
- 火炉夫人的手镜(Hearth-Wife's Hand Mirror)
- 镀金崔尼马克镇纸(Gilded Trinimac Parchment Weight)
- 进口阿碧希恩瓶装墨水(Bottle of Imported Abecean Ink)
- 雪鹰妖羽毛笔(Snow Harpy-Feather Writing Quill)
- 口袋猛犸象雪花球(Pocket Mammoth Snow Globe)
- 银制屠刀拆信刀(Silver Butcher-Knife Letter Opener)
- 精巧的发条雪鸮(Intricate Clockwork Snowy Owl)
- 象牙海象头开瓶器(Ivory Horker's-Head Bottle Opener)
- 熊骑兵宝石缰绳(Gem-Studded Bear Mount Bridle)
- 磨刀石展示套装(Presentation Set of Sharpening Stones)
- 镀金玛拉卡斯旅行用圣像(Gilt Malacath Travel Icon)
- 奥辛纽姆饰章黄铜指甲刀(Orsinium Crest Orichalc Clippers)
- 象牙柄银镜(Silver Mirror with Ivory Handle)
- 戈尔卡尔国王雪花石膏半身像(Alabaster Bust of King Golkarr)
- 海象投掷比赛奖励匾额(Horker-Toss Prize Plaque)
- 玫瑰石英骰子(Rose Quartz Gambling Dice)
- 纪念用大型麦酒杯(Commemorative Ale Tankard)
- 宝石“报复”游戏套装(Precious Stone "Payback" Game Set)
- 司法血价金秤(Judicial Blood Price Gold Scale)
- 奥辛纽姆皇家印章刨冰杯(Orsinium Seal Shaved-Ice Cups)
- 华丽细丝香料架(Fancy Filigreed Spice Rack)
- 装饰性头骨啤酒杯(Ornamental Skull Beer Stein)
- 雪地食人魔指甲勺子套装(Set of Snow Ogre Nail Spoons)
- 镀银婴儿鞋(Silver-Plated Baby Shoes)
- 煮蛋计时器(Begemmed Egg Timer)
- “玛拉卡斯的复仇”挂毯("Malacath's Vengeance" Tapestry)
- 微型麋鹿角响板(Miniature Elk-Antler Castanets)
- 布莱顿球获奖匾额(Bretonball Victory Plaque)
- 装饰性冰斧(Commemorative Ice Axe)
- 奥辛纽姆皇家骑兵军号(Royal Orsinium Cavalry Bugle)
- 被缴获的红卫人战旗(Looted Redguard Battle Flag)
- 精美的带图案冬季毛毯(Fine Patterned Winter Blanket)
- 华美的生育枕头(Sumptuous Fertility Pillow)
- 可动的雷克尔填充模型(Poseable Stuffed Riekr Mannequin)
- 金叶崔尼马克崇拜匾额(Gold-Leaf Trinimac Worship-Plaque)
- 化装舞会用雪鹰妖翅膀(Snow Harpy Masquerade Wings)
- 欧瑞斯莫敌人的耳朵收藏(Orsimer Enemies Ear Collection)
- “兽人亲密”獠牙护套("Orcish Intimacy" Tusk Sheaths)
- 鹿角野猪绒睡眠面具(Echatere Cashmere Sleeping Mask)
- “鸣响摇篮曲”陶笛("Hooting Lullaby" Ocarina)
- 两双奢华的连指手套(Four Luxurious Flipper Mittens)
- 滑行白鲑潜鸟音乐盒(Skating Chub Loon Music Box)
- 宝石熊脂涂抹器(Bejeweled Bear Fat Applicator)
- Imperial City Gear(Imperial City Gear)
- 制作的:尤里安诺斯的法律(CRAFTED: Law of Julianos)
- CRAFTED: Trial by Fire(CRAFTED: Trial By Fire)
- CRAFTED: Morkuldin(CRAFTED: Morkuldin)
- Heavy: Mark of the Pariah(Heavy: Mark of the Pariah)
- Light: Trinimac's Valor(Light: Trinimac's Valor)
- Medium: Briarheart(Medium: Briarheart)
- Heavy: Permafrost(Heavy: Permafrost)
- Heavy: Glorious Defender(Heavy: Glorious Defender)
- Medium: Para Bellum(Medium: Para Bellum)
- Light: Elemental Succession(Light: Elemental Succession)
- Medium: Hunt Leader(Medium: Hunt Leader)
- Light: Winterborn(Light: Winterborn)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Shield(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Shield)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Inferno Staff(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Inferno Staff)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Ice Staff(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Ice Staff)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Lightning Staff(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Lightning Staff)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Restoration Staff(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Restoration Staff)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Bow(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Bow)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Battle Axe(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Battle Axe)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Maul(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Maul)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Greatsword(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Greatsword)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Mace(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Mace)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Sword(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Sword)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Axe(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Axe)
- WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Dagger(WEAPONS: The Maelstrom's Dagger)
- 生皮布置Cops(Rawhide Arm Cops)
- 生皮布置Cops(Rawhide Arm Cops)
- 手工肩饰(Homespun Epaulets)
- 手工肩饰(Homespun Epaulets)
- 铁肩甲(Iron Pauldrons)
- 铁肩甲(Iron Pauldrons)
- 制作样式书65:罪犯样式(Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Style)
- 制作样式书24:罪犯斧头(Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Axes)
- 制作样式书24:罪犯腰带(Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Belts)
- 制作样式书24:罪犯长靴(Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Boots)
- 制作样式书24:罪犯之弓(Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Bows)
- 制作样式书24:罪犯胸甲(Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Chests)
- 制作样式书24:罪犯匕首(Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Daggers)