上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 正在侦察纪念区(Scouting the Memorial District)
- 勘察矿洞(Scouting the Mine)
- 正在侦察贵族区(Scouting the Nobles District)
- 正在侦察神殿区(Scouting the Temple District)
- 搜查营救(Search and Rescue)
- 找到搜寻者(Searching for the Searchers)
- 收获季(Season of Harvest)
- 龙之季节(Season of the Dragon)
- 第二次机会(Second Chances)
- 失落之城的秘密(Secrets of the Lost City)
- 秘密已揭露(Secrets Revealed)
- 保护知识(Securing Knowledge)
- 拿下山口(Securing the Pass)
- 安全细节(Security Details)
- 毁灭之种(Seeds of Destruction)
- 希望的种子(Seeds of Hope)
- 搜寻并摧毁(Seek and Destroy)
- 寻找守护者(Seeking the Guardians)
- 把握机会(Seize the Moment)
- 远古国王的侍从(Servants of Ancient Kings)
- 切断所有连接(Sever All Ties)
- 森林之神的幽影(Shades of Green)
- 桑卡托的阴影(Shadow of Sancre Tor)
- 影子战术(Shadow Tactics)
- 暗影沼泽自助餐(Shadowfen Smorgasbord)
- 沼泽阴影(Shadows in the Swamp)
- 风盔城之影(Shadows Over Windhelm)
- 前程渺茫(Shaky Job Prospects)
- 支离破碎(Shattered and Scattered)
- 破碎希望(Shattered Hopes)
- 破碎之镜(Shattering Mirror)
- 噬光之女(She Who Eats the Light)
- 放下过去(Shedding the Past)
- 贝壳游戏(Shell Game)
- 失事船只的水手(Shipwrecked Sailors)
- 希里的研究(Shiri's Research)
- 对系统的电击(Shock to the System)
- 分裂的断盔城(Shornhelm Divided)
- 腐化神龛(Shrine of Corruption)
- 诺克图娜尔神龛(Shrine of Nocturnal)
- 危墙下的神龛(Shrines on Shaky Ground)
- 遮炉山峰(Shroud Hearth Barrow)
- 支线任务(Side Quest)
- 攻城战(Siege Warfare)
- 烽火冲刺(Signal Fire Sprint)
- 先祖神州的信号(Signals of Dominion)
- 歃血为盟(Signed in Blood)
- 寂静的村庄(Silent Village)
- 蛛丝与暗影(Silk and Shadow)
- 救援希尔赛兰(Silsailen Rescue)
- 银色内衬(Silver Linings)
- 银色鳞片(Silver Scales)
- 错位而已(Simply Misplaced)
- 淹没夏暮岛(Sinking Summerset)
- 休斯爵士的命运(Sir Hughes' Fate)
- 海妖之歌(Siren's Song)
- 骷髅示范(Skeleton Demonstration)
- 斯库玛后遗症(Skooma Sequela)
- 亡者之眠(Sleep for the Dead)
- 偷懒(Sleeping on the Job)
- 群蜥肆行(Slithering Brood)
- 小镇的问题(Small Town Problems)
- 地平线上的烟雾(Smoke on the Horizon)
- 沙漠之蛇(Snakes in the Sands)
- 潜行之巅(Sneak Peak)
- 雪与火(Snow and Flame)
- 雪与蒸汽(Snow and Steam)
- 雪熊跳水(Snow Bear Plunge)
- 扑灭亮光(Snuffing Out the Light)
- 德鲁伊王的旅居(Sojourn of the Druid King)
- 烛光之慰(Solace By Candlelight)
- 士兵倒下(Soldier Down)
- 岛屿战士(Soldier of the Isles)
- 财富荣耀士兵(Soldiers of Fortune and Glory)
- 关于史迪彭斯(Something About Stibbons)
- 腐烂的东西(Something Rotten)
- 苏醒之歌(Song of Awakening)
- 沙鲸的歌声(Song of the Sand-Whale)
- 织歌者之歌(Song of the Spinner)
- 松加德之歌(Songs of Sovngarde)
- 悲泣山之吻(Sorrow's Kiss)
- 灵魂收割(Soul Harvest)
- 冷港的丧魂傀儡(Soul Shriven in Coldharbour)
- 灵魂幸存者(Soul Survivors)
- 背叛者的灵魂(Souls of the Betrayed)
- 警报声(Sounds of Alarm)
- 找出魔力来源(Sourcing the Ensorcelled)
- 点燃火焰(Sparking the Flame)
- 亡者之语(Speaking For The Dead)
- 特色混搭(Special Blend)
- 特殊快递(Special Delivery)
- 咒缚(Spellbound)
- 球体组装(Sphere Assembly)
- 香料(Spice)
- 特辣人生(Spice of Life)
- 蜘蛛示范(Spider Demonstration)
- 浅滩上的间谍(Spies in the Shallows)
- 竞速球(Spikeball)
- 魂飞魄散(Spirited Away)
- 灵魂释放(Spiritual Release)