上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 稀有进口商品(Rare Imports)
- 陷阱里的老鼠(Rat in a Trap)
- 鼠灾(Rat Problems)
- 老鼠“驱逐”(Ratting Them Out)
- 剃刀的刀锋(Razor's Edge)
- 真正的水兵(Real Marines)
- 恶有恶报(Reap What Is Sown)
- 礁石掠夺者(Reavers of the Reef)
- 召回元素(Reclaiming the Elements)
- 夺回沃斯(Reclaiming Vos)
- 夺回圣物(Recovered Relics)
- 找回瓜尔(Recovering the Guar)
- 红鹰之歌(Red Eagle's Song)
- 红鸦洗劫格伦姆布拉。(Red Rook Ransack in Glenumbra)
- 红鸦资源(Red Rook Resources)
- 逃跑的红卫人(Redguard on the Run)
- 里-拉的采矿样本(Reeh-La's Mining Samples)
- 臭气熏天的演出(Reeking of Foul Play)
- 在新人中转圈跳舞(Reeling in Recruits)
- 洗心革面(Reformation)
- 教养院救援行动(Reformatory Rescue)
- 悔恨(Regret)
- 增援凯恩之盾(Reinforcement for Kyne's Aegis)
- 重要的亲人(Relative Matters)
- 相对而言(Relatively Speaking)
- 拯救圣物(Relic Rescue)
- 逃跑的圣物(Relic Runaround)
- 遗物与流言(Relics and Rumblings)
- 阿沙尔马维亚的圣物(Relics of Ashalmawia)
- 阿舒那比塔什皮的圣物(Relics of Ashurnabitashpi)
- 阿萨尔纳塔马特的圣物(Relics of Assarnatamat)
- 杜沙里兰的圣物(Relics of Dushariran)
- 埃贝纳尼特的圣物(Relics of Ebernanit)
- 麦尔卡什什的圣物(Relics of Maelkashishi)
- 雅萨米丹的圣物(Relics of Yasammidan)
- 缅怀瑞莎(Remembering Risa)
- 深渊居民的残骸(Remnants of the Deep Folk)
- 在山口会合(Rendezvous at the Pass)
- 撕裂火焰(Rending Flames)
- 修复克格林灯塔(Repair Koeglin Lighthouse)
- 修复笼子(Repairing the Cage)
- 忏悔之子(Repentant Son)
- 更换换向器(Replacing the Commutators)
- 向马布鲁克报告(Report to Marbruk)
- 前来报到(Reporting for Duty)
- 请求协助(Requests for Aid)
- 拯救与复仇(Rescue and Revenge)
- 研究对象(Research Subject)
- 不安之魂(Restless Spirits)
- 让希尔维纳恢复如初(Restore the Silvenar)
- 恢复秩序(Restoring Order)
- 恢复安塞结界(Restoring the Ansei Wards)
- 修复守护者(Restoring the Guardians)
- 夺回凯姆洛恩(Retaking Camlorn)
- 夺回纵火者要塞(Retaking Firebrand Keep)
- 重夺山口(Retaking the Pass)
- 状况外的寻物之旅(Retrieval Gone Awry)
- 返回灰烬之城(Return to Ash)
- 归还凛冬噬咬(Returning Winter's Bite)
- 对拉玛的复仇(Revenge Against Rama)
- 尊敬的先祖(Revered Ancestors)
- 瑞哈蒂的地图碎片(Rhadh's Map Fragment)
- 不可估量的财富(Riches Beyond Measure)
- 雷克尔的复仇(Riekr Revenge)
- 搜寻废墟(Rifling Through Ruins)
- 盗贼右手(Right of Theft)
- 合法的遗产(Rightful Inheritance)
- 涟漪效应(Ripple Effect)
- 亡者崛起(Rise of the Dead)
- 从深渊被召唤(Risen From the Depths)
- 针对傲希之息的叛乱(Rising Against Onsi's Breath)
- 崛起的家臣(Rising to Retainer)
- 女王的仪式(Rites of the Queen)
- 苏尔山仪式(Rites of the Sul-Xan)
- 龙殿仪式(Ritual at the Dragonshrine)
- 痛苦仪式(Ritual of Anguish)
- 变之仪式(Ritual of Change)
- 姓名之河(River of Names)
- 罗布西尔的最后一次寄信(Robhir's Final Delivery)
- 岩骨外交(Rock Bone Diplomacy)
- 有房一间(Room to Spare)
- 王室狂欢(Royal Revelry)
- 萝森的梦境(Rozenn's Dream)
- 赤牙帮检索(Ruddy Fang Retrieval)
- 幡然醒悟(Rude Awakening)
- 露丹莎的邀请(Rudrasa's Invitation)
- 军令如山(Rules and Regulations)
- 搁浅(Run Aground)
- 瑞驰人的裂痕(Ruptures in the Reach)
- 锈迹斑斑的匕首(Rusty Daggers)
- 残酷的竞争(Ruthless Competition)
- 仪式:贫民窟下水道(Sacrament: Sewer Tenement)
- 仪式:走私者巢穴(Sacrament: Smuggler's Den)
- 仪式:商人湾(Sacrament: Trader's Cove)
- 神圣蜡烛(Sacred Candles)
- 神圣狩猎(Sacred Prey, Hunt Profane)
- 赛达尔的最终挫败(Sadal's Final Defeat)
- 圣者的慈悲(Saints' Mercy)
- 塞洛珊的诅咒(Salothan's Curse)
- 大地之盐(Salt of the Earth)