上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 神秘金属(Mystery Metal)
- 奥瑟尼斯之谜(Mystery of Othrenis)
- 纳埃蒙归来(Naemon's Return)
- 死者的名字(Names of the Fallen)
- 娜米拉的反常行为(Namira's Perversions)
- 自然之约(Nature's Accord)
- 自然最好的朋友(Nature's Best Friend)
- 大自然的恩惠(Nature's Bounty)
- 海军情报(Naval Intelligence)
- 内玛珂的邀请(Nemarc's Invitation)
- 永垂不朽(Never Forgotten)
- 新月升起(New Moon Rising)
- 死去亲人的消息(News of Fallen Kin)
- 近亲(Next of Kin)
- 零星碎片(Nibbles and Bits)
- 灵魂之夜(Night of the Soul)
- 奈恩根酒(帝都)(Nirnroot Wine)
- 奈恩根酒(西罗帝尔)(Nirnroot Wine)
- 不给机会(No Second Chances)
- 贵族之息(Nobles' Rest)
- 危难中的北据城(Northpoint in Peril)
- 虚无之境的笔记(Notes of the Void)
- 没有什么可以浪费(Nothing Left to Waste)
- 不再打喷嚏(Nothing to Sneeze At)
- 金属沙漠中的绿洲(Oasis in a Metal Desert)
- 破誓者(Oath Breaker)
- 切割的誓言(Oath of Excision)
- 服从性测试(Obedience Issues)
- 异议与阻碍(Objections and Obstacles)
- 烙印与骨头铸就(Of Brands and Bones)
- 议会与国王(Of Councils and Kings)
- 不义之财(Of Dubious Value)
- 信仰和家族(Of Faith and Family)
- 致命严寒(Of Ice and Death)
- 披着骑士外皮的恶徒(Of Knights and Knaves)
- 刀与长影(Of Knives and Long Shadows)
- 情感价值(Of Sentimental Value)
- 来自石头和蒸汽(Of Stone and Steam)
- 隐藏的物资(Offerings That Hide)
- 给泽尼萨尔的祭品(Offerings to Zenithar)
- 食人魔的牙齿(Ogre Teeth)
- 给风扇上油(Oiling the Fans)
- 老冒险者(Old Adventurers)
- 古老的器物(Old Baubles)
- 老骨头(Old Bones)
- 老对手们(Old Enemies)
- 古老的生物(Old Growth)
- 辞旧祭奠(Old Life Observance)
- 古老卷轴(Old Scrolls)
- 狩猎古老践踏者(Old Stomper Hunt)
- 旧伤疤(Old Wounds)
- 大冒险(On a Dare)
- 在门口(On the Doorstep)
- 到达格伦姆布拉(On to Glenumbra)
- 一击即中(One Fell Swoop)
- 最后一次冒险(One Last Adventure)
- 最后的游戏(One Last Game)
- 闯世者的一员(One of the Undaunted)
- 一个丑陋的杯子(One Ugly Mug)
- 胜者为王(One Victor, One King)
- 前往暗影沼泽(Onward to Shadowfen)
- 正在开启传送门(Opening the Portal)
- 乐队演奏(Orchestrations)
- 新月教派(Order of the New Moon)
- 我们的穷镇(Our Poor Town)
- 出去走一走(Out for a Walk)
- 离开幽暗沼泽(Out of Murkmire)
- 外部干扰(Outside Interference)
- 越过边缘(Over the Edge)
- 迟迟未到的物资(Overdue Supplies)
- 横行(Overrun)
- 除掉公牛(Oxen Free)
- 公约维护者(Pact Advocate)
- 犯罪同伙(Partners in Crime)
- 整体的组成部分(Parts of the Whole)
- 派对策划(Party Planning)
- 非请勿进(Passage Denied)
- 过期(Past Due)
- 残垣往事(Past in Ruins)
- 隐月之路(Path of the Hidden Moon)
- 血债血偿(Payback)
- 实物支付(Payment In Kind)
- 和平的惨痛代价(Peace's Wretched Price)
- 叛徒身前的珍珠(Pearls Before Traitors)
- 珀利地尔的末日(Pelidil's End)
- “进口”的人(People of Import)
- 受难的矿场(Percussive Ranching)
- 硫磺池之危(Peril at the Pools)
- 幻影之罪(Phantom Guilt)
- 被盗的骨灰盒(Pilfered Urn)
- 朝圣的终点(Pilgrimage's End)
- 松峰洞穴(Pinepeak Caverns)
- 虔诚的干预(Pious Intervention)
- 海盗麻烦(Pirate Problems)
- 瘟疫携带者(Plague Bringer)
- 法尔镇瘟疫(Plague of Phaer)
- 位面融合倒转(Planemeld Obverse)
- 瘟疫计划书(Plans of Pestilence)
- 偷梁换柱(Planting Misinformation)
- 誓约任务:科林涅姆堡垒(Pledge: Arx Corinium)