上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 丧女之痛(Lost Daughter)
- 迷失幽暗沼泽(Lost in Murkmire)
- 迷失在书房(Lost in Study)
- 迷失在暮色中(Lost in the Gloam)
- 迷失在迷雾中(Lost in the Mist)
- 迷失在瑞驰(Lost in the Reach)
- 在翻译中遗漏(Lost in Translation)
- 遗失的美酒(Lost Libations)
- 迷路的狮子(Lost Lions)
- 荒岩失踪案(Lost on Bleakrock)
- 失落的朝圣(Lost Pilgrimage)
- 囿于泥沼(Lost to the Mire)
- 丢失的宝藏(Lost Treasures)
- 浴火之爱(Love Among the Fire)
- 爱与瓜尔(Love and Guar)
- 失去的爱(Love Lost)
- 情人的刑罚(Lover's Torment)
- 信天翁号的幸运(Luck of the Albatross)
- 木傀儡示范(Lurcher Demonstration)
- 阿里克尔沙漠的疯狂(Madness in Alik'r Desert)
- 奥瑞敦的疯狂(Madness in Auridon)
- 班古莱的疯狂(Madness in Bangkorai)
- 迪沙安的疯狂(Madness in Deshaan)
- 东境的疯狂(Madness in Eastmarch)
- 格伦姆布拉的疯狂(Madness in Glenumbra)
- 格拉特森林的疯狂(Madness in Grahtwood)
- 绿影的疯狂(Madness in Greenshade)
- 马拉巴尔石山的疯狂(Madness in Malabal Tor)
- 收割者之境的疯狂(Madness in Reaper's March)
- 破碎尖顶的疯狂(Madness in Rivenspire)
- 暗影沼泽的疯狂(Madness in Shadowfen)
- 石落的疯狂(Madness in Stonefalls)
- 风暴港的疯狂(Madness in Stormhaven)
- 裂谷的疯狂(Madness in the Rift)
- 漩涡竞技场(Maelstrom Arena)
- 魔法真菌学(Magic Mycology)
- 主线任务(Main Quest)
- 敲诈勒索(Making a Racket)
- 补偿(Making Amends)
- 恶毒的民兵(Malignant Militia)
- 假面庄园(Manor of Masques)
- 曼希尔的欠款(Manthir's Debt)
- 拉嘉达的行军(March of the Ra Gada)
- 标记道路(Marking the Path)
- 收割者之境的吉祥物盗窃事件(Mascot Theft in Reaper's March)
- 盗窃大师(Master of Heists)
- 勒奇之刃大师(Master of Leki's Blade)
- 大师级的珠宝(Masterful Jewelry)
- 工艺精湛的皮衣(Masterful Leatherwear)
- 精妙绝伦的剪裁(Masterful Tailoring)
- 掌控护身符(Mastering the Talisman)
- 大师之作(Masterpieces)
- 为大伙准备的肉(Meat for the Masses)
- 机械谋杀(Mechanical Murder)
- 医用草药(Medicinal Herbs)
- 死亡的象征物(Memento Mori)
- 纪念品(Mementos)
- 青春的回忆(Memories of Youth)
- 雇佣兵之道(Mercenary in the Making)
- 美瑞蒂亚的光辉(Meridia's Brilliance)
- 欢乐与神秘(Merriment and Mystery)
- 给哀伤之城的讯息(Message to Mournhold)
- 未知消息(Message Unknown)
- 泰姆瑞尔的消息(Messages Across Tamriel)
- 方法与疯狂计划(Method and Madness)
- 毅力与磐石(Mettle and Stone)
- Midyear狂乱(Midyear Mayhem)
- 疯狂心灵(Mind of Madness)
- 我的洞穴我的矿(Mine All Mine)
- 错放的知识(Misplaced Knowledge)
- 在幽暗沼泽中失踪(Missing in Murkmire)
- 泥潭迷踪(Missing in the Mire)
- 失踪的儿子(Missing Son)
- 给女王的公函(Missive to the Queen)
- 迷雾与暗影(Mist and Shadow)
- 湖之女士(Mistress of the Lake)
- 腐败迷雾(Mists of Corruption)
- 阿里克尔沙漠的熔火珍珠(Molten Pearls of Alik'r Desert)
- 真理时刻(Moment of Truth)
- 猴子魔法(Monkey Magic)
- 变之纪念碑(Monument of Change)
- 月糖药剂(Moon-Sugar Medicament)
- 月亮石圈阵的眼泪(Moonhenge's Tear)
- 圆月当空(Moonlight Ascent)
- 月光绑架案(Moonlight Kidnapping)
- 月光蘑菇(Moonlit Mushrooms)
- 镣铐里的痴狂者(Moonstruck in Manacles)
- 点心与啄食(Morsels and Pecks)
- 莫瓦的诅咒(Morwha's Curse)
- 最复杂的机械(Most Complicated Machine)
- 月光下的微粒(Motes in the Moonlight)
- 狩猎锯齿螯母(Mother Jagged-Claw Hunt)
- 影母(Mother of Shadows)
- 异端的动机(Motive for Heresy)
- 哀伤之城市场的麻烦(Mournhold Market Misery)
- 哀悼失去的人(Mourning the Lost)
- 将矿工转移出矿洞(Move out Miners)
- 泥球狂欢(Mud Ball Merriment)
- 利兰德里尔谋杀案(Murder In Lillandril)
- 富含营养的蘑菇(Mushrooms That Nourish)