上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 坟墓主题(Grave Subject Matter)
- 大泽克辛狩猎(Great Zexxin Hunt)
- 满腔嫉妒(Green with Envy)
- 灰沼崛起(Greymoor Rising)
- 危如累卵(Grim Situation)
- 险象环生(Grimmer Still)
- 狮鹫之祸(Gryphon Grievance)
- 瓜尔走了(Guar Gone)
- 守卫知识(Guard the Knowledge)
- 无尽的守卫工作(Guard Work is Never Done)
- 耶弗隆的守护者(Guardian of Y'ffelon)
- 旅行者的指南(Guidance for Guides)
- 地穴指引(Guides to the Deep)
- 公会列表(Guild Listings)
- 哈德兰的陨落(Hadran's Fall)
- 不透彻的理解(Half-Formed Understandings)
- 审判厅(Hall of Judgment)
- 哈林的重担(Hallin's Burden)
- 前往阿伦西亚的圣徒(Hallowed To Arenthia)
- 前往罗尔卡的圣徒(Hallowed to Rawl'kha)
- 痛苦大厅(Halls of Torment)
- 中断血疫风暴(Halt the Harrowstorms)
- 手工守护者(Handmade Guardian)
- 收割哈拉达(Harrada Harvest)
- 惨痛的教训(Harsh Lesson)
- 收获时刻(Harvest Time)
- 孵化计划(Hatching a Plan)
- 幽冥深渊(Haunted Depths)
- 闹鬼之地(Haunted Grounds)
- 闹鬼传说(Haunted Legacy)
- 卡拉里的鬼魂(Haunting of Kalari)
- 治疗心脏(Healing Hearts)
- 邪恶之心(Heart of Evil)
- 物质之心(Heart of the Matter)
- 传家宝(Heirloom)
- 盗窃任务:死亡洞穴大厅(Heist: Deadhollow Halls)
- 盗窃任务:闪耀岩洞(Heist: Glittering Grotto)
- 盗窃任务:偏僻下水道(Heist: Secluded Sewers)
- 盗窃任务:找到躲藏处(Heist: The Hideaway)
- 盗窃任务:地下墓室(Heist: Underground Sepulcher)
- 马卡斯城招募启事(Help Wanted in Markarth)
- 有用的传单(Helpful Handbills)
- 帮助治疗者(Helping the Healers)
- 无知的异端(Heresy of Ignorance)
- 黑木的英雄(Heroes of Blackwood)
- 隐秘的历史(Hidden History)
- 隐于火焰中(Hidden in Flames)
- “灯下黑”(Hiding in Plain Sight)
- 锡兰的邀请(Hilan's Invitation)
- 海尔辛的礼物(Hircine's Gift)
- 他最后的礼物(His Final Gift)
- 他最大的财富(His Greatest Treasure)
- 历史准确性(Historical Accuracy)
- 历史之歌(History's Song)
- 阻止内阁(Holding Court)
- 世界的洞眼(Holes in the World)
- 甜蜜的家(Home Sweet Home)
- 回家(Homeward)
- 忠诚的劳动(Honest Toil)
- 诚信经营(Honest Work)
- 关乎荣誉(Honor Bound)
- 为受辱者昭雪(Honoring the Dishonored)
- 亨利奇塔(Honrich Tower)
- 失去的希望(Hope Lost)
- 永恒的希望之泉(Hope Springs Eternal)
- 海尔辛猎犬(Hounds of Hircine)
- 家园(House and Home)
- 所剩无几(How Few Remain)
- 霍金愚行(Hozzin's Folly)
- 狩猎入侵者(Hunting Invaders)
- 猎杀猎人(Hunting the Hunters)
- 猎杀猛犸象(Hunting the Mammoth)
- 猎杀巨魔(Hunting the Troll)
- 猎杀胡蜂(Hunting the Wasp)
- 低声细语(Hushed Whispers)
- 东境的冰冷阴谋(Icy Intrigue in Eastmarch)
- 两手空空(Idle Hands)
- 神像威胁(Idol Threats)
- 如果我们坐船(If By Sea)
- 如果死人能说话(If the Dead Could Talk)
- 合适的法术(If the Spell Fits)
- 美妙的幻术(Illusions of Grandeur)
- 逼近的火山威胁(Imminent Hazard)
- 帝都的好奇心(Imperial Curiosity)
- 帝都入侵(Imperial Incursion)
- 帝都渗透(Imperial Infiltration)
- 保卫艾斯维尔(In Defense of Elsweyr)
- 保卫佩利汀(In Defense of Pellitine)
- 在他身后(In His Wake)
- 需要洗澡(In Need of a Bath)
- 寻找赞助者(In Search of a Sponsor)
- 寻找基蕾斯·瓦诺斯(In Search of Kireth Vanos)
- 寻找阿什阿巴(In Search of the Ash'abah)
- 暗影中的秘密(In Secret and Shadow)
- 无论疾病或健康(In Sickness and In Health)
- 在海鹰的肚子里(In the Belly of the Sea Hawk)
- 妻管严(In the Doghouse)
- 以国王的名义(In the Name of the King)
- 以女王之名(In the Name of the Queen)
- 顺应潮流(In With the Tide)