上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 埃兹蕾芭的命运(Ezreba's Fate)
- 埃兹扎格的强盗(Ezzag's Bandits)
- 费德尔的自由(Fadeel's Freedom)
- 佛克瑞斯之殇(Falkreath's Demise)
- 虚假指控(False Accusations)
- 假骑士(False Knights)
- 家庭恩怨(Family Feud)
- 阖家团聚(Family Reunion)
- 家族秘密(Family Secrets)
- 獠牙收集者(Fang Collector)
- 法利维尔的布局(Farlivere's Gambit)
- 远视(Farsight)
- 鹿人危机(Fauns in Peril)
- 急女王所急(Favor for the Queen)
- 暗处的饕餮盛宴(Feasting in the Dark)
- 长着羽毛的恶魔(Feathered Fiends)
- 兽皮疾走的正义(Fell's Justice)
- 费罗内的地图碎片(Ferone's Map Fragment)
- 火力范围(Field of Fire)
- 伊瓦斯泰德的凶猛野兽(Fierce Beasts of Ivarstead)
- 反击(Fighting Back)
- D下的文件(File Under D)
- 填补虚无(Filling the Void)
- 致命之击(Final Blows)
- 寻找家人(Finding the Family)
- 寻找凛冬战锤(Finding Winter's Hammer)
- 田地上的火灾(Fire in the Fields)
- 要塞之火(Fire in the Hold)
- 战斗之火(Fires of Battle)
- 鱼之恩赐盛宴(Fish Boon Feast)
- 治国人选(Fit to Rule)
- 锻造与堕落之焰(Flames of Forge and Fallen)
- 逃离过去(Fleeing the Past)
- 取回箭羽(Fletching Fetching)
- 翻动硬币(Flipping the Coin)
- 狂热花迷(Flower Fancier)
- 愚行里的花(Flowers in the Folly)
- 为了朋友(For a Friend)
- 凡事都有定期(For Everything a Season)
- 为了荣耀(For Glory)
- 为了国王与荣耀(For King and Glory)
- 为了凯恩的荣耀(For Kyne's Honor)
- 大发慈悲(For Piety's Sake)
- 他们为求自保(For Their Own Protection)
- 禁忌之爱(Forbidden Love)
- 自然之力(Force of Nature)
- 被强迫的信仰(Forcing the Faith)
- 海外佳酿(Foreign Vintage)
- 永世约缚(Forever Bound)
- 永远保持沉默(Forever Hold Your Peace)
- 铸就未来(Forging the Future)
- 被遗忘的祖先(Forgotten Ancestry)
- 被遗忘的陪葬品(Forgotten Grave Goods)
- 被遗忘的灵魂(Forgotten Soul)
- 福索的诅咒之斧(Forthor's Cursed Axe)
- 焉知非福(Fortune in Failure)
- 深处的罪行(Foul Deeds in the Deep)
- 被解放的灵魂(Free Spirits)
- 自由的枷锁(Freedom's Chains)
- 巨魔的朋友(Friend of Trolls)
- 恐吓恐吓者(Frighten the Fearsome)
- 举镇皆惊(Frightened Folk)
- 青蛙图腾反转(Frog Totem Turnaround)
- 来自污秽(From the Wastes)
- 燃烧吧火焰(Fuel for our Fires)
- 实现命运(Fulfilling One's Fate)
- 欧狄服饰(Garments by Odei)
- 火焰之门(Gates of Fire)
- 湮灭之地的大门(Gates of Oblivion)
- 格蒙德守护者(Geirmund's Guardian)
- 格蒙德的誓言(Geirmund's Oath)
- 星之宝石(Gem of the Stars)
- 哥德伦将军的命令(General Godrun's Orders)
- 温柔园丁(Gentle Gardener)
- 吃得饱饱(Getting a Bellyful)
- 召集乐队成员(Getting the Band Together)
- 了解真相(Getting to the Truth)
- 加姆博兹的采矿样本(Ghamborz's Mining Samples)
- 巨人问题(Giant Problems)
- 追求者的礼物(Gift from a Suitor)
- 黑虫之礼(Gift of the Worm)
- 暗影沼泽的给予与接受(Give and Take in Shadowfen)
- 牺牲小我,成就大善(Giving for the Greater Good)
- 放弃幽灵(Giving Up the Ghost)
- 贾迪尔的遗产(Gjadil's Legacy)
- 闪闪发光(Glitter and Gleam)
- 闪烁的谎言(Glittering Lies)
- 闯世者的荣耀(Glory of the Undaunted)
- 哥布林示范(Goblin Demonstration)
- 哥布林人玛克(Goblin Marq)
- 哥布林研究(Goblin Research)
- 哥布林的快乐(Goblin's Delight)
- 诡计之神(God of Schemes)
- 哥德伦的梦(Godrun's Dream)
- 神佑国王(Gods Save the King)
- 失踪(Gone Missing)
- 古特趽帕里亚(Goutfang Pariah)
- 坟墓周遭(Grave Circumstances)
- 坟墓期望(Grave Expectations)
- 墓地纪念品(Grave Mementos)