上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 花园破坏者(The Forest Vandal)
- 劫掠者(The Freebooters)
- 冰冻之岛(The Frozen Isle)
- 冰冻人(The Frozen Man)
- 噩梦沼泽之门(The Gate to Quagmire)
- 坚石之门(The Gates of Adamant)
- 风暴将至(The Gathering Storm)
- 将军之陨(The General's Demise)
- 威斯特里的幽灵(The Ghosts of Westtry)
- 乔维斯的捉刀人(The Ghostwriter of Giovesse)
- 格伦姆布拉沼泽(The Glenumbra Moors)
- 金色铁砧(The Golden Anvil)
- 黄金龙爪(The Golden Claw)
- 优质材料(The Good Bits)
- 灰色议会(The Gray Council)
- 灰宿(The Gray Host)
- 灰色通道(The Gray Passage)
- 伟大狩猎(The Great Hunt)
- 巨树(The Great Tree)
- 疯狂之握(The Grip of Madness)
- 指引之光(The Guiding Light)
- 巨像圣殿(The Halls of Colossus)
- 调节厅(The Halls of Regulation)
- 莫库尔之手(The Hand of Morkul)
- 避难所(The Harborage)
- 收获之心(The Harvest Heart)
- 泰尔瓦尼之心(The Heart of a Telvanni)
- 野兽之心(The Heart of the Beast)
- 心之所向(The Heart's Desire)
- 赫多兰宅邸(The Hedoran Estate)
- 安奎那的继承者(The Heir of Anequina)
- 药师的货物(The Herbalist's Product)
- 隐藏的收获(The Hidden Harvest)
- 隐藏的领主(The Hidden Lord)
- 隐藏的宝藏(The Hidden Treasure)
- 谎言的巨大代价(The High Cost of Lying)
- 旅途的代价(The High Cost of Travel)
- 空洞之城(The Hollow City)
- 女王的荣光(The Honor of the Queen)
- 贾达里之角(The Horn of Ja'darri)
- 猎犬的手下(The Hound's Men)
- 猎犬的计划(The Hound's Plan)
- 霍肯德之心(The Hulkynd's Heart)
- 饥饿之猫的恩惠(The Hungry Cat's Favor)
- 帝国的标准(The Imperial Standard)
- 至坚金库(The Impervious Vault)
- 入会仪式(The Initiation)
- 客栈老板的女儿(The Innkeeper's Daughter)
- 沉醉组合(The Intoxicating Mix)
- 岛屿观光(The Island Tour)
- 藤之王座(The Ivy Throne)
- 小丑节(The Jester's Festival)
- 小丑的玩笑(The Jester's Joke)
- 班达的宝石(The Jewel of Baan Dar)
- 安东的宝石王冠(The Jeweled Crown of Anton)
- 维洛斯的裁决(The Judgment of Veloth)
- 钥匙与催化设备(The Key and the Cataclyst)
- 钥石(The Keystone)
- 国王的弃兵(The King's Gambit)
- 国王的战利品(The King's Spoils)
- 科伦雷卡(The Konunleikar)
- 环树迷宫(The Labyrinth)
- 夫人之血(The Lady of Blood)
- 淑女纪念品(The Lady's Keepsake)
- 暗夜之语(The Language of the Night)
- 总代表(The Large Delegate)
- 最后的野心领主(The Last Ambition)
- 他们中的最后一个(The Last of Them)
- 最后的树精(The Last Spriggan)
- 解放北据城(The Liberation of Northpoint)
- 黄昏图书馆(The Library of Dusk)
- 巫妖(The Lich)
- 帝国的命脉(The Lifeblood of an Empire)
- 神奇之光(The Light Fantastic)
- 阿克赞德之光(The Light of Arkthzand)
- 知识之光(The Light of Knowledge)
- 无光遗物(The Lightless Remnant)
- 雄狮卫的反攻(The Lion Guard's Stand)
- 狮子巢穴(The Lion's Den)
- 名单(The List)
- 罗多斯瘟疫(The Llodos Plague)
- 锁与军团(The Lock and the Legion)
- 漫长的比赛(盗贼公会)(The Long Game)
- 漫长的比赛(高岛)(The Long Game)
- 漫漫归乡路(The Long Way Home)
- 失落的军团(The Lost Legion)
- 失落的图书馆(The Lost Library)
- 丢失的鲁特琴(The Lost Lute)
- 丢失的珍珠(The Lost Pearls)
- 失踪斥候的报告(The Lost Scout's Report)
- 失落的神龛(The Lost Shrine)
- 失落的象征(The Lost Symbol)
- 恋人(The Lover)
- 双月失常(The Lunacy of Two Moons)
- 疯神的交易(The Mad God's Bargain)
- 梅尔莫斯神秘宝库(The Maelmoth Mysterium)
- 法师的狗(The Mage's Dog)
- 法师塔(The Mage's Tower)
- 采取行动的学士(The Magister Makes a Move)
- 玛拉里-摩拉(The Mallari-Mora)