上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 舒尔加克大劫案(The Shurgak Job)
- 令人作呕的大海(The Sickening Sea)
- 粉碎摇篮之围(The Siege of Cradlecrush)
- 图章戒指(The Signet Ring)
- 银笛子(The Silver Flute)
- 歌咏水晶(The Singing Crystal)
- 窃皮者的巢穴(The Skin-Stealer's Lair)
- 剥皮者(The Skin Taker)
- 皮毛贸易(The Skin Trade)
- 奴隶贩子(The Slavers)
- 沉睡的农夫(The Slumbering Farmer)
- 士兵的不在场证明(The Soldier's Alibi)
- 万国之歌(The Song of Kingdoms)
- 术士分组(The Sorcerer Division)
- 灵魂融合的法师(The Soul-Meld Mage)
- 灵魂陷阱(The Soul Trap)
- 家乡的声音(The Sounds of Home)
- 自食其果(The Sower Reaps)
- 枪头号船长(The Spearhead's Captain)
- 枪头号船员(The Spearhead's Crew)
- 蜘蛛茧(The Spider's Cocoon)
- 织歌者的故事(The Spinner's Tale)
- 马拉巴尔石山的摄魂陷阱(The Spirit Trap in Malabal Tor)
- 玛格努斯之杖(The Staff of Magnus)
- 立石(The Standing Stones)
- 观星者(The Star-Gazers)
- 保卫石刻之识(The Stonelore Defense)
- 暴风雨的呼唤(The Storm's Call)
- 赛特的怪异(The Strangeness of Seht)
- 巨人的力量(The Strength of Giants)
- 灵魂研究(The Study of Souls)
- 崇高火盆(The Sublime Brazier)
- 夏季停留处(The Summer Site)
- 召唤师分组(The Summoner Division)
- 沼泽与巨蛇(The Swamp and the Serpent)
- 沼泽的抱拥(The Swamp's Embrace)
- 甜甜卷杀手(The Sweetroll Killer)
- 剑术大师分组(The Swordmaster Division)
- 古里贝格的象征(The Symbol of Gulibeg)
- 赫若基贝格的象征(The Symbol of Hrokkibeg)
- 斯托里贝格的象征(The Symbol of Storihbeg)
- 尤里坎贝格的象征(The Symbol of Uricanbeg)
- 玷污的荆棘之心(The Tainted Briarheart)
- 常青夫人的故事(The Tale of the Green Lady)
- 恐惧的滋味(The Taste of Fear)
- 风暴释放(The Tempest Unleashed)
- 萨恩的话语(The Tharn Speaks)
- 瘦骨嶙峋者(The Thin Ones)
- 雷霆初显(The Thunder Breaks)
- 同根相连(The Ties that Bind)
- 迷时勇士(The Time-Lost Warrior)
- 深渊的音调(The Tones of the Deep)
- 牙槌计谋(The Toothmaul Ploy)
- 锦标赛开始(The Tournament Begins)
- 水晶塔哨兵(The Tower Sentinels)
- 塔的倒塌(The Towers' Fall)
- 塔的残骸(The Towers' Remains)
- 商人的恐惧(The Traders' Terror)
- 树之牧者的宿命(The Tree-Minder's Fate)
- 五爪盗术试炼(The Trial of Five-Clawed Guile)
- 幽灵蛇的试炼(The Trial of the Ghost Snake)
- 拉尼扎的试炼(The Trials of Rahni'Za)
- 战利品掠夺者(The Trophy-Taker)
- 麻烦终结者(The Troubleshooter)
- 更为真实的獠牙(The Truer Fangs)
- 蜘蛛的真相(The Truth about Spiders)
- 空虚的教团(The Unfilled Order)
- 最不友善的切割(The Unkindest Cut)
- 不安的死者(The Unquiet Dead)
- 无法拒绝的请求(The Unrefusable Offer)
- 不可见之物(The Unseen)
- 阴谋败露(The Unveiling)
- 篡逆女王(The Usurper Queen)
- 吸血鬼的猎物(The Vampire's Prey)
- 吸血鬼学者(The Vampire Scholar)
- 莫阿维塔的宝库(The Vault of Moawita)
- 蒙面遗族崩塌(The Veil Falls)
- 蒙面遗者的选择(The Veiled Choice)
- 阿赫纳拉的毒液(The Venom of Ahknara)
- 觉醒的黑暗(The Wakening Dark)
- 黑暗苏醒(The Waking Darkness)
- 眠梦者(The Waking Dreamer)
- 流浪的吟唱者(The Wandering Minstrel)
- 战争议会(The War Council)
- 战士的呼唤(The Warrior's Call)
- 高墙内的守望者(The Watcher in the Walls)
- 任性的匕首帮(The Wayward Dagger)
- 任性的孩子(The Wayward Son)
- 三冠之重(The Weight of Three Crowns)
- 言辞之重(The Weight of Words)
- 梅里恩的白色面具(The White Mask of Merien)
- 森林的意志(The Will of the Woods)
- 黑虫的意志(The Will of the Worm)
- 凯恩之风(The Winds of Kyne)
- 阿祖拉的女巫(The Witch of Azurah)
- 西拉塔尔岛的女巫(The Witch of Silatar)
- 巫母的交易(The Witchmother's Bargain)
- 巫师的法术书(The Wizard's Tome)
- 伤痕累累的森林(The Wounded Wood)
- 世界之创(The Wounds in the World)