上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 西帝斯的怒火(The Wrath of Sithis)
- 命运三姐妹(The Wyrd Sisters)
- 命运之树的根系(The Wyrd Tree's Roots)
- 它们把他拖走了(They Dragged Him Away)
- 亲密如贼(Thick as Thieves)
- 比水更浓稠(Thicker Than Water)
- 得与失(Things Lost, Things Found)
- 这是经典之作(This One's a Classic)
- 混入我方的荆棘强盗(Thorns in Our Side)
- 她所吞噬的(Those She Devours)
- 真正的神选者们(Those Truly Favored)
- 奴隶湾(Thrall Cove)
- 死亡威胁(Threat of Death)
- 三管齐下(Three-Pronged Approach)
- 三个温柔的灵魂(Three Tender Souls)
- 三倍愚蠢(Threefold Folly)
- 荒野之王的王座(Throne of the Wilderking)
- 透过黑暗的面纱(Through a Veil Darkly)
- 劫后余生(Through the Aftermath)
- 穿过灰烬(Through the Ashes)
- 穿过魔族透镜(Through the Daedric Lens)
- 穿过防御屏障(Through the Shroud)
- 永生者萨克霍佐德(Thukhozod the Eternal)
- 阻止先祖神州的势力(Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion)
- 毁灭之潮(Tides of Ruin)
- 木痕的麻烦(Timberscar Troubles)
- 灾厄悬崖阴影中的时间(Time in Doomcrag's Shadow)
- 及时干涉(Timely Intervention)
- 家有捣蛋球(Tinker Trouble)
- 枪头号的提示(Tip of the Spearhead)
- 帮助达文卫城(To Aid Davon's Watch)
- 向敌人伸出援手(To Aid the Enemy)
- 前往阿尔凯瑞城堡(To Alcaire Castle)
- 前往灰烬之山(To Ash Mountain)
- 前往奥瑞敦(To Auridon)
- 诸邪俱焚(To Burn Away Evil)
- 抓住一个法师(To Catch a Magus)
- 前往破晓镇(To Dawnbreak)
- 去沙丘城(To Dune)
- 前往第一要塞(To Firsthold)
- 前往维拉克堡垒(To Fort Virak)
- 向烈士致敬(To Honor the Fallen)
- 前往亨利奇塔(To Honrich Tower)
- 前往马蒂森(To Mathiisen)
- 前往月山(To Moonmont)
- 致尼默滕(To Nimalten)
- 前往松峰洞穴(To Pinepeak Caverns)
- 前往罗尔卡(To Rawl'kha)
- 到罗尔卡找赛法(To Saifa in Rawl'kha)
- 为了解救酋长(To Save a Chief)
- 前往天望城(To Skywatch)
- 去塔伦格拉夫(To Taarengrav)
- 去坦泽维尔(To Tanzelwil)
- 前往泰尔弗雷(To Tel Fyr)
- 前往发条城(To The Clockwork City)
- 敬国王(To the King)
- 致这座山(To the Mountain)
- 去受罪尖顶(To the Tormented Spire)
- 致胜利者(To the Victor)
- 前往命运之树(To the Wyrd Tree)
- 前往维林港(To Velyn Harbor)
- 前往维尼姆森林(To Vernim Woods)
- 漫步遥远海岸(To Walk on Far Shores)
- 山下的古墓(Tomb Beneath the Mountain)
- 暗影古籍(Tome of Shadow)
- 蛇人古籍(Tomes of the Tsaesci)
- 石之发声者们(Tongues of Stone)
- 屠杀工具(Tools of Slaughter)
- 痛苦灵魂(Tormented Souls)
- 支离破碎(Torn Asunder)
- 澈律水晶之心锦标赛(Tournament of the Heart)
- 麻烦塔(Tower Full of Trouble)
- 寻找休斯爵士(Tracking Sir Hughes)
- 追踪猎物(Tracking the Game)
- 搜寻枯手(Tracking the Hand)
- 追踪瘟疫(Tracking the Plague)
- 贸易协商(Trade Negotiations)
- 寻找窃皮者的踪迹(Trail of the Skin-Stealer)
- 被困悬崖(Trapped in the Bluffs)
- 身体试炼(Trial of the Body)
- 心灵试炼(Trial of the Mind)
- 精神试炼(Trial of the Spirit)
- 试炼与磨难(Trials and Tribulations)
- 闪鳞试炼(Trials of the Burnished Scales)
- 英雄试炼(Trials of the Hero)
- 部落麻烦(Tribal Troubles)
- 巨魔竞技场(Troll Arena)
- 巨魔的甜点(Troll's Dessert)
- 塔瓦祝福的麻烦(Trouble at Tava's Blessing)
- 集雨绿洲的麻烦(Trouble at the Rain Catchers)
- 树上的麻烦(Trouble at the Tree)
- 麻烦精(Troublemakers)
- 事实、谎言和囚犯(Truth, Lies, and Prisoners)
- 图瓦卡的吐息(Tu'whacca's Breath)
- 树木的转变(Turning of the Trees)
- 两个女王(Two Queens)
- 硬币都有两面(Two Sides to Every Coin)
- 失踪船员(Unaccounted Crew)
- 未解的问题(Unanswered Questions)
- 无限的财富(Unbridled Wealth)