上古卷轴OL目前一共有 6226 本书。
- 克瓦玛虫观察日记(My Kwama Journal)
- 克瓦玛虫观察日记,第 2 页(My Kwama Journal, Page 2)
- 学院补给(Academy Supplies)
- 优学之书(Book of Excellent Teachings)
- 完美的货物(The Perfect Batch)
- 给女王和梭默的战报(War Reports for Queen and Thalmor)
- 法那卡斯的崇拜(Worship in Fanacas)
- 给特伦格的信(Letter to Telenger)
- 暗精灵语高等家族族训(Mottos of the Dunmeri Great Houses)
- Conele's命令(Conele's Orders)
- 吉格仁的字条(Note from Jeegren)
- 非标准技巧(Non-Standard Techniques)
- 各大高等家族及其利用方法(The Great Houses and Their Uses)
- 另一个恐怖笑话(Another Grim Jest)
- 致我的帕什·瑞亚(To My Pash-Riha)
- 肯尼夏的清单(Kennixa's List)
- 坚不可摧的红卫人(The Unbreakable Redguard)
- 库拉利特的线索(Kuralit's Clue)
- 来自恩达蕾将军的命令(Orders from General Endare)
- 渔民的日记(Fisherman's Journal)
- 拜瑞克爵士的雕像(Statue of Sir Byric)
- 来自纳撒尼尔公爵的信(Letter from Duke Nathaniel)
- 三神偷向国王请愿(The Three's Petition to the King)
- 被干扰的敌人(A Distracted Enemy)
- 洛萨恩德市集(The Root Sunder Market)
- 拉纳的日志(Rana's Log)
- 致拉纳的信(Letter to Rana)
- Arx Corinium — First Seed Report(Arx Corinium — First Seed Report)
- 有人绑架!(KIDNAPPING!)
- 称手的鹤嘴锄(The Right Mattock for the Job)
- 记住我(Remember Me)
- 聆水的观察记录(Listens-to-Water's Observations)
- 来自奥利恩拉的信(Letter from Oleenla)
- 一个浅池(A Shallow Pool)
- 简单任务(An Easy Assignment)
- 军需官的报告(Quartermaster's Report)
- 给大督军齐默隆的信(Letter to Grand Warlord Zimmeron)
- 为了黑檀心,征服西罗帝尔!(Conquer Cyrodiil for the Pact!)
- 向我的王子祈祷(Prayer to My Prince)
- 熊爪矿洞(Bearclaw Mine)
- 命令:熊爪矿洞(Orders: Bearclaw Mine)
- 八圣灵神谕(…ine Commands of Eight Divines)
- 孤身一人(All Alone)
- 一千个追梦人的梦(Dream of a Thousand Dreamers)
- 隐修士的日志(Anchorite's Log)
- 奴隶的日记(Slave's Diary)
- 治疗者赫萝瑟的笔记(Healer Heloise's Notes)
- 《尼尔文的日记》(Nirwaen's Diary)
- 务农的原因(Why We Farm)
- 船坞工人,请注意!(Shipyard Workers, Take Warning!)
- 埃曼的烹鱼秘方(Eiman's Fishy Secrets)
- 猪之颂歌(Ode to Oinkers)
- 小吃,快手菜(Small Meals, Fast Meals)
- 给卡斯内的信(Letter to Kathner)
- 德瑞克·霍林之神龛(Shrine to Derik Hallin)
- 告别字条(Goodbye Note)
- 尤库达冲锋者的传说(Legend of the Yokudan Chargers)
- 没什么危险(No Significant Danger)
- 做汤的肉(Meat for Soup)
- 爱的永恒之焰(Love's Eternal Flame)
- 盗圣的宝藏(The Thief God's Treasures)
- 斩骨一击(The Deepest Cut)
- 召唤师(The Summoner)
- 背叛(Betrayal)
- 受到庇护(Sheltered)
- 你我身边的亚龙人(Argonians Among Us)
- 邓恩薇莉尔队长的字条(Note from Captain Dunveril)
- 坦瓦尔的指令(Tanval's Directive)
- 致上尉(To the Captain)
- 现世之神(The Living Gods)
- 黑檀心公约联合指南(Guide to the Ebonheart Pact)
- 诺斯庄姆的笔记(Nostrum's Notes)
- 第六批药剂(Curative Batch Six)
- 第十五批药剂(Curative Batch Fifteen)
- 第十九批药剂(Curative Batch Nineteen)
- 气味是关键(The Scent's the Thing)
- 摩尔伯恩宣言(The Maulborn Manifesto)
- 罗多斯瘟疫(The Llodos Plague)
- 反抗伪神(Against False Gods)
- 炼金术士妮莱茵的笔记(Alchemist Nilyne's Notes)
- 《沙德阿祖拉学院手册》(Shad Astula Academy Handbook)
- 《梅丁里尔的命令》(Merdyndril's Orders)
- 破碎木箱上的字条(Note on Broken Crate)
- 无名日记(Anonymous Journal)
- 秘密字条(Covert Note)
- 《幽灵蛇传说》(Legend of the Ghost Snake)
- 不要赞颂虚假神祇(No Praise for False Gods)
- 《我们的铁铸誓言》(Our Ironclad Oath)
- 《我所知的矮人族地下城》(Dwemer Dungeons: What I Know)
- 第二次阿卡维尔入侵(The Second Akaviri Invasion)
- 《黑暗废墟》(Dark Ruins)
- 给纳西斯的信(Letter to Narsis)
- 被允许的谋杀(Sanctioned Murder)
- 瓦利亚的货物清单(Valyia's Cargo Manifest)
- 通缉:特武尔·萨德里(WANTED: Tervur Sadri)
- 《克瓦玛虫矿开采的乐趣与利润》(Kwama Mining for Fun and Profit)
- 雷诺的日记:布珊努尔(Raynor's Journal: Bthanual)
- 雷诺的布珊努尔笔记(Raynor's Bthanual Notes)
- 伊西斯·奥马洛尔的命令(Ithis Omalor's Orders)
- 克瓦玛虫运货单(Kwama Shipment Manifest)