上古卷轴OL目前一共有 6226 本书。
- 无尽黑暗(Darkest Darkness)
- 莫里拉塔(Morilatta)
- 维纳亚西尔(Wenayasille)
- 安格拉扬(Angalayond)
- 拉瑞雷斯(Larelleis)
- 沙德阿祖拉之课程(Shad Astula Curriculum)
- 君主的胜利,第六章(Triumphs of a Monarch, Ch. 6)
- 火焰之握(Fire's Grip)
- 蛛丝之握洞穴探险(The Spindleclutch Expedition)
- 踉跄而行的死者(The Lurching Dead)
- Cadwell'sJournal: 冷港著名居民,第21部分(Cadwell's Journal: Famous Coldharbourites, Part 21)
- 卡穆的字条(Note from Kamu)
- 我求求你(If I May Beseech You)
- Cadwell'sJournal: 冷港著名居民,第14部分(Cadwell's Journal: Famous Coldharbourites, Part 14)
- 事态紧急(Situation Becoming Urgent)
- 紧急救援势在必行(Prompt Rescue is Imperative)
- 卡德韦尔的日记:沉浸深思,第412部分(Cadwell's Journal: Deep Thoughts, Part 412)
- 隐藏之巢的价值观(The Values of Haj Uxith)
- 前往冷港始末(How We Came to Coldharbour)
- 混沌造物:灵质(Chaotic Creatia: The Azure Plasm)
- 聚会主题(Party Theme)
- 完美东道主(The Perfect Host)
- Cadwell'sJournal: 冷港著名居民,第37部分(Cadwell's Journal: Famous Coldharbourites, Part 37)
- 公会法师的日记(Guild Mage's Journal)
- 致塞娜的信(Letter to Seyne)
- Racial样式书7: The虎人(Racial Motifs 7: The Khajiit)
- 哨塔账簿(Watchtower Ledger)
- 《表扬信》(Commendation Letter)
- Racial样式书1: The High Elves(Racial Motifs 1: The High Elves)
- 女祭司阿兰文的日记(Journal of Priestess Aranwen)
- 放置指南(Instructions for Placement)
- 关于神圣符记(On the Holy Symbol)
- 易受腐蚀影响(Susceptibility to Corruption)
- 亨迪尔的日记(Hendil's Journal)
- 如何准备食人鱼(How To Prepare Slaughterfish)
- 致蒙面女王(To The Veiled Queen)
- 什么动物吃鸟类?(What Eats Birds?)
- 奥布兰的信(Oblan's Letter)
- 潜行者号日志(The Prowler's Log)
- 拉卡穆德的信(Rakamud's Letter)
- 月糖爱好者(Sugarbelly)
- 共鸣仪式(Ritual of Resonance)
- 不必担心(No Reason to Worry)
- 破碎的救援人员日记(Salvager's Torn Journal)
- 米里克的信(Letter from Minique)
- 坦卡诺的日志(Tancano's Journal)
- 来自卡梅里诺的信(Letter from Camarino)
- 扎班-玛的日记(Zaban-ma's Journal)
- 过期的先祖神州公告(Outdated Dominion Broadsheet)
- 引导者的杰作(Masterwork of the Inducer)
- 强盗活动持續增加(Increased Bandit Activity)
- 庄稼里的老鼠(Rats in the Crops)
- 飓风援助与救援(Hurricane Assistance and Salvage)
- 辛纳莫的日记(Hinaamo's Journal)
- 森林之神守望者(Wardens of the Green)
- 2920年,第3卷(The Year 2920, Vol. 3)
- 克瓦玛虫照料指南(Care of Kwama)
- 不可避免的延误(Unavoidable Delays)
- 驯鹰者号的日志(The Falconer's Log)
- 来自卡普萨的信(Letter from Karpu-sa)
- 欢笑月亮分类帐(Laughing Moons Ledger)
- 柯娜西之栖:临时敕令(Khenarthi's Roost: Interim Orders)
- 哀悼之泉葬礼仪式(Mourning Springs Burial Rites)
- 满是灰尘的遗失日记(Lost and Dusty Journal)
- 茹尔莱恩的观察笔记第三则(Rurelion's Observation #3)
- 伊尔希尔的日记(Ealcil's Journal)
- 布拉凡·利桑达斯的日记(Journal of Bravam Lythandas)
- 你的银色毛发(Your Silver Fur)
- 柯娜西之栖条约(Treaty of Khenarthi's Roost)
- 哈兰尼的报告(Harrani's Report)
- 不速之客(Unwelcome Visitors)
- 药剂师的账簿(Apothecary's Ledger)
- 天空与风暴(Sky and Storm)
- 码头负责人的哀叹(Dockmaster's Lament)
- 无标签的笔记(Unlabeled Notes)
- 居所走私犯的账簿(Roost Smuggler's Ledger)
- 被风撕裂的残页(Wind-Ripped Page)
- 后舍登记簿(The Hind-Quarters Registry)
- 德尔领地报告(Del's Claim Report)
- 晨风动物志,第一部分(Morrowind Fauna, Part One)
- 杰森的撕裂字条(Torn Note from Jessen)
- 特尔杜尔的日记(Teldur's Journal)
- 奥瑞敦地区指南,第二章(Auridon Explored, Chapter II)
- 海精灵备忘录(Maormer Memo)
- 愚蠢的海精灵(Our Dupes, the Sea Elves)
- 德尔领地(Del's Claim)
- 绣金信件(Gilded Letter)
- 阿卢瓦斯的笔记(Aluvus' Notes)
- 阿卢瓦斯随后的笔记(Aluvus' Further Notes)
- 阿卢瓦斯最后的笔记(Aluvus' Final Notes)
- 《乌塞尔莫的补充命令》(Urcelmo's Supplemental Orders)
- 牙槌契约(The Toothmaul Contract)
- 高精灵监督者的日记(Altmeri Overseer's Journal)
- 光明诗(Verses of the Illuminated)
- 物品栏(机密)(Inventory (Confidential))
- 银色小龙虾惊喜(Silver Crawdad Surprise)
- 来自伦威的信(Letter from Lenwe)
- 被遗弃的信函(A Discarded Missive)
- 贝望相关笔记(Notes on Bewan)
- 奥瑞敦地区指南,第七章(Auridon Explored, Chapter VII)