上古卷轴OL目前一共有 6226 本书。
- 烦人的问题(A Nagging Question)
- 畸变的维尔金石(Aberrant Welkynd Stones)
- 瓦拉穆尔的笔记,第二卷(Valamuur's Notes, Volume II)
- 瓦拉穆尔的笔记,第一卷(Valamuur's Notes, Volume I)
- 瓦拉穆尔的笔记,第三卷(Valamuur's Notes, Volume III)
- 西尔多尔的日记(Sirdor's Journal)
- 舞台艺术介绍(Introduction to Stagecraft)
- 波尔顿·维尔兰德的日记(Bordaunt Virelande's Journal)
- 恩索拉斯的日记(Enthoras' Journal)
- 矮人族远古卷轴 V(Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer V)
- 下一阶段(What Comes Next)
- 拉金的七重阴影,第1部分(The Seven Shadows of Rajhin, Pt. 1)
- 月光下的舞蹈(A Dance in Moonlight)
- 工匠的信件(The Artisan's Letters)
- 先祖神州的职责:马布鲁克(The Dominion's Duty: Marbruk)
- 马布鲁克建造者的日志(Marbruk Builder's Log)
- 阿姆萝纳尔的法术(The Amronal's Spell)
- 亚龙人流亡者的日记(Argonian Refugee's Diary)
- 给汪汪酒保的字条(Note to Barkeep)
- 普查倡议书(Call for Census)
- 南据城的建立(The Founding of Southpoint)
- 一个女儿的日记(A Daughter's Journal)
- 阁楼里有东西(Something's in the Attic)
- 信仰的种类:木精灵(Varieties of Faith: The Wood Elves)
- 先祖神州吊唁函(Dominion Condolences)
- 巨树之书(The Book of the Great Tree)
- 浪漫日记(Diary of a Romance)
- 歌单(Set List)
- 克莱蒙特·诺埃洛姆的日记(Diary of Climent Noellaume)
- 一封古老的情书(An Ancient Love Letter)
- 庇护所:武备报告(Sanctuary: Weapons Report)
- 庇护所:最终评估(Sanctuary: Final Assessment)
- 骨头果园研究日志三(Bone Orchard Research Log 3)
- 《班达理炖羊肉》(Baandari Mutton Stew)
- 奥比斯之谜4:远古之树(Aurbic Enigma 4: The Elden Tree)
- 猎手真理,第1部分(The Truth of the Hunter, Pt. 1)
- 猎手真理,第三部分(The Truth of the Hunter, Pt. 3)
- 猎手真理,第二部分(The Truth of the Hunter, Pt. 2)
- 瓦伦伍德的野精灵生存史(Ayleid Survivals in Valenwood)
- 不愿在贝丘里偷安?(Want More than Middens?)
- 远古之树颂歌(Ode to the Elden Tree)
- 诺里亚斯利石板,条目一(Loriasel Tablet, Entry 1)
- 诺里亚斯利石板,第4则(Loriasel Tablet, Entry 4)
- 诺里亚斯利石板,第2则(Loriasel Tablet, Entry 2)
- 库兰维的日记(Journal of Culanwe)
- 给奥夫格洛格的信(Letter to Ofglog)
- 雷曼之诈的兴衰(The Fall and Rise of Reman's Bluff)
- 嘉瑟尔的日记(Gathiel's Diary)
- 嘉瑟尔的占星图(Gathiel's Astrology Chart)
- 精灵建筑的笔记(Notes on Elven Architecture)
- 虎人商人的发票(Khajiiti Merchant's Invoice)
- 戈尔蒙特大屠杀(The Massacre at Cormount)
- 先祖神州活动有所增加(Increased Dominion Activity)
- 戈尔蒙特的崛起(The Rise of Cormount)
- 加里克的消息(Garick's Message)
- 关于“木精灵礼仪”的字条(Note about "Wood Elf Etiquette")
- 伊尔德尔的日记(Iirdel's Journal)
- 食人魔:一份概括(Ogres: A Summary)
- 寄往夏暮岛的未完之信(Unfinished Letter to Summerset)
- 皮卡尔莫的购物清单(Pircalmo's Shopping List)
- 邦达尔和他的吹牛大赛(Baan Dar and His Boast)
- 希兹扎比的报告(Hizrabi's Report)
- 悬赏:“长牙”尼姆里安(Wanted: Nimriian the Longfang)
- 洞穴补给(Supplies for the Delve)
- 给菲利亚的信(Letter to Firilia)
- 来自奥瑟米尔的信(Letter from Altholmir)
- 我的耐心已耗尽(End of My Patience)
- 您可拥有的权利!(Yours for the Taking!)
- 精灵之眼,精灵间谍(Elven Eyes, Elven Spies)
- 抢劫者的天堂(A Looter's Paradise)
- 虎人日记的散落页(Khajiit's Lost Journal Page)
- 步兵团简报:阿伦西亚(Cohort Briefing: Arenthia)
- 斯库玛摄取者的忏悔(Confessions of a Skooma Eater)
- 信仰的多样性:亚龙人(Varieties of Faith: The Argonians)
- 贝庭克打油诗(Betnikh Limerikh)
- 意想不到的盟友(Unexpected Allies)
- 瑞驰的部族:一本指南(Clans of the Reach: A Guide)
- 愤怒信函(Furious Letter)
- 裂谷城的潜在商机(Rivers of Profit in Riften)
- 《童心可贵》(A Child's Play)
- 艾德约格需要的原料(Eldbjorg's Needed Ingredients)
- 梦游者(Dreamwalkers)
- 守卫职责(Guard Duty)
- 天际的灵体(Spirits of Skyrim)
- 特尼恩修道士(The Ternion Monks)
- 雷诺的旅行日记(Raynor's Travel Diary)
- 兄弟战争(The Brothers' War)
- 维威克的康塔塔(The Cantatas of Vivec)
- 杰基子爵的饮酒所(Thane Jeggi's Drinking Hole)
- 来自弗迪格的警告(Warning from Fildgor)
- 风霜斯科维尔德的日记(Journal of Skorvild Frostwind)
- 瓦莱里克的日记(Valeric's Journal)
- 斯托格日记碎片(Scrap of Storgh's Journal)
- 赤皮日记,第1卷(Redfur Journal, v. 1)
- 第二封信(The Second of the Letters)
- 最后一封信(The Last of the Letters)
- 黑暗之年(The Black Year)
- 旧西罗帝尔的残骸(Remnants of Cyrod)
- 古籍看守者(Keeper of Tomes)
- 赤皮日记,第2卷(Redfur Journal, v. 2)