上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 炼金术分析(Alchemical Analysis)
- 炼金术士认证(Alchemist Certification)
- 炼金术士委托(Alchemist Writ)
- 全体人员到甲板集合(All Hands on Deck)
- 不择手段(All's Fair)
- 疗愈芦荟(Aloe That Heals)
- 孤身暗处(Alone in the Dark)
- 野心领主的终结(Ambition's End)
- 切断枯手(Amputating the Hand)
- 一群史迪彭斯(An Abundance of Stibbons)
- 善意之举(An Act of Kindness)
- 对玛拉的冒犯(An Affront to Mara)
- 一个动物的简陋住处(An Animal's Grim Abode)
- 血之回答(An Answer in Blood)
- 末日降临(An Apocalyptic Situation)
- 剑骑士的职责(An Armiger's Duty)
- 邪恶的存在(An Evil Presence)
- 和平实验(An Experiment with Peace)
- 以眼还眼(An Eye for an Eye)
- 不幸的冒险(An Ill-Fated Venture)
- 祭品(An Offering)
- 给阿祖拉的祭品(An Offering to Azura)
- 失控的命令(An Order Gone Awry)
- 意想不到的对手(An Unexpected Adversary)
- 猝不及防的背叛(An Unexpected Betrayal)
- 意外跌落(An Unexpected Fall)
- 异常情况(An Unusual Circumstance)
- 碍事的二重身(An Unwanted Twin)
- 迪沙安的原神结界(Ancestor Wards in Deshaan)
- 先祖之灾(Ancestral Adversity)
- 先祖的纽带(Ancestral Ties)
- 来自港口的暗锚(Anchors from the Harbour)
- 班古莱的古老军备(Ancient Armaments in Bangkorai)
- 远古力量(Ancient Power)
- 远古残骸(Ancient Remains)
- 古老的石板,古老的语言(Ancient Stones, Ancient Words)
- 现在也许是和平(And Now, Perhaps, Peace)
- 扔掉钥匙(And Throw Away The Key)
- 墓之歌者安格夫(Angof the Gravesinger)
- 新的一天,新的死亡。(Another Day, Another Death)
- 勇夺月糖(Another Khajiit's Tale)
- 另一个窥视者(Another Omen)
- 抗毒之虞(Anti-Venom Agitation)
- 古旧护甲(Antique Armor)
- 雷声临近(Approaching Thunder)
- 秘术研究(Arcane Research)
- 远古遗物(Archaic Relics)
- 艾丽希尔(Arithiel)
- 门前的敌人(Army at the Gates)
- 默言者的艺术品(Art of the Nisswo)
- 信念文章(Articles of Faith)
- 飞升阴影(Ascendant Shadows)
- 飞升的疑惑(Ascending Doubt)
- 阿什阿巴之崛起(Ash'abah Rising)
- 灰烬与缓刑(Ash and Reprieve)
- 狩猎噬灰者(Ash-Eater Hunt)
- 灰原之谊(Ashlander Relations)
- 刺客猎手(Assassin Hunter)
- 突袭要塞(Assaulting the Citadel)
- 协助达文卫城(Assisting Davon's Watch)
- 协助助手(Assisting the Assistant)
- 在所不惜(At Any Cost)
- 在寒霜之锋(At Frost's Edge)
- 非典型艺术(Atypical Artistry)
- 拜见荒野之王(Audience with the Wilderking)
- 长老团的贪婪(Avarice of the Eldertide)
- 唤醒历史(Awaken the Past)
- 觉醒(Awakening)
- 野精灵宝藏(Ayleid Treasure)
- 格拉特森林的野精灵首饰(Ayleid Trinkets in Grahtwood)
- 阿祖拉的帮助(Azura's Aid)
- 阿祖拉的守护者(Azura's Guardian)
- 阿祖拉的圣物(Azura's Relics)
- 班达的狂欢(Baan Dar's Bash)
- 班达的整蛊大会(Baan Dar's Boast)
- 后巷谋杀案(Back-Alley Murders)
- 时光回溯(Back in Time)
- 重新安息(Back to Rest)
- 坏药品(Bad Medicine)
- 坏士兵(Bad Soldiers)
- 恶水矿场(Badwater Mine)
- 巴尔基的地图碎片(Balki's Map Fragment)
- 驱逐被驱逐者(Banishing the Banished)
- 趣逗强盗(Bantering with Bandits)
- 巴塞尔的邀请(Basile's Invitation)
- 沐浴时间(Bath Time)
- 熊的要素(Bear Essentials)
- 法林奈斯提的野兽(Beasts of Falinesti)
- 致命之美(Beauty Amid Danger)
- 暴风雨前夕(Before the Storm)
- 石头之下(Beneath the Stone)
- 表象之下(Beneath the Surface)
- 还是不知道为好(Best Left Unknown)
- 强中自有强中手(Best of the Best)
- 荆棘岩下的背叛(Betrayal at Briar Rock)
- 迟到好过不到(Better Late Than Never)
- 血与骨之间(Between Blood and Bone)
- 小心轻语骗贼(Beware the Purring Liar)
- 超越呼唤(Beyond the Call)
- 一丘之貉(Birds of a Feather)