上古卷轴OL目前一共有 2306 个任务。
- 鸟鸣诅咒(Birdsong's Curse)
- 黑匕首补给(Black Dagger Supplies)
- 铁匠资格认证(Blacksmith Certification)
- 铁匠委托(Blacksmith Writ)
- 八圣灵庇护(Blessings of the Eight)
- 虚张声势的瞎子(Blind Man's Bluff)
- 措手不及(Blindsided)
- 血与沙(Blood and Sand)
- 血与泪(Blood and Tears)
- 血与新月(Blood and the Crescent Moon)
- 鲜血与圣言(Blood and the Sacred Words)
- 血液、书籍和钢铁(Blood, Books, and Steel)
- 血债血偿(Blood for Blood)
- 血猎(Blood Hunt)
- 昔日之血(Blood of the Past)
- 瑞驰之血(Blood of the Reach)
- 王手上的鲜血(Blood on a King's Hands)
- 血债(Blood Price)
- 血脉至亲(Blood Relations)
- 血腥复仇(Blood Revenge)
- 血染大地(Blood Upon the Soil)
- 血染之河(Bloodied Waters)
- 血荆棘刺客(Bloodthorn Assassins)
- 血手间谍!(Bloody Hand Spies!)
- 血腥重逢(Bloody Reunion)
- 生于忧患(Born of Grief)
- 木精灵的洞察(Bosmer Insight)
- 爱情的约缚(Bound by Love)
- 血之约缚(Bound in Blood)
- 痴迷于沼泽(Bound to the Bog)
- 黑木的赏金(Bounties of Blackwood)
- 悬赏:黑匕首(Bounty: Black Daggers)
- 悬赏:哥布林(Bounty: Goblins)
- 悬赏:灰獠牙帮(Bounty: Gray Vipers)
- 悬赏:暗影教团(Bounty: Shadowed Path)
- 谜语之盒(Box of Riddles)
- 蕨叶树荆棘(Brackenleaf's Briars)
- 烙印之火教养院圣物(Brandfire Reformatory Relics)
- 寒霜与火焰裂隙(Breaches of Frost and Fire)
- 海湾上的裂隙(Breaches On the Bay)
- 奇异早餐(Breakfast of the Bizarre)
- 破坏维拉克堡垒(Breaking Fort Virak)
- 冲破屏障(Breaking the Barrier)
- 打破锁链(Breaking the Chain)
- 摧毁女巫团(Breaking the Coven)
- 打破枷锁(Breaking the Shackle)
- 破潮(Breaking the Tide)
- 拨云见日(Breaking Through the Fog)
- 干掉魔导师(Bring Down the Magister)
- 分崩离析(Broken Apart)
- 破碎的镣铐(Broken Bonds)
- 失信的诺言(Broken Promises)
- 兄弟和强盗(Brothers and Bandits)
- 虫子退散!(Bug Off!)
- 海湾藏宝(Buried at the Bay)
- 被埋葬的邪恶(Buried Evil)
- 昔日珍宝(Buried in the Past)
- 被埋葬的回忆(Buried Memories)
- 被埋葬的秘密(Buried Secrets)
- 复仇之火(Burning Revenge)
- 燃烧的秘密(Burning Secrets)
- 买家小心(Buyer Beware)
- 仅限邀请(By Invitation Only)
- 以被背叛的爱之名(By Love Betrayed)
- 河流与根(By River and Root)
- 卡德韦尔的年鉴(Cadwell's Almanac)
- 卡德韦尔的黄金(Cadwell's Gold)
- 卡德韦尔的白银(Cadwell's Silver)
- 叛徒卡德韦尔(Cadwell the Betrayer)
- 墟主的呼唤(Call of the Ruinach)
- 召唤哈克拉(Calling Hakra)
- 不能没有她(Can't Leave Without Her)
- 他们带不走(Can't Take It With Them)
- 顶石蘑菇(Capstone Caps)
- 被俘的船员(Captive Crewmembers)
- 被俘虏的灵魂(Captive Souls)
- 攻占阿莱西亚农场(Capture Alessia Farm)
- 攻占阿莱西亚锯木厂(Capture Alessia Lumbermill)
- 攻占阿莱西亚矿场(Capture Alessia Mine)
- 攻占艾丽斯维尔农场(Capture Aleswell Farm)
- 攻占艾丽斯维尔锯木厂(Capture Aleswell Lumbermill)
- 攻占艾丽斯维尔矿场(Capture Aleswell Mine)
- 占领全部三座城镇(Capture All 3 Towns)
- 占领任意九处资源点(Capture Any Nine Resources)
- 征服任意三个要塞(Capture Any Three Keeps)
- 攻占奥利乌斯农场(Capture Arrius Farm)
- 攻占奥利乌斯要塞(Capture Arrius Keep)
- 攻占奥利乌斯锯木厂(Capture Arrius Lumbermill)
- 攻占奥利乌斯矿场(Capture Arrius Mine)
- 攻占灰烬农场(Capture Ash Farm)
- 攻占灰烬锯木厂(Capture Ash Lumbermill)
- 攻占灰烬矿场(Capture Ash Mine)
- 攻占黑靴堡农场(Capture Black Boot Farm)
- 攻占黑靴堡锯木厂(Capture Black Boot Lumbermill)
- 攻占黑靴堡矿场(Capture Black Boot Mine)
- 攻占布拉德梅恩农场(Capture Bloodmayne Farm)
- 攻占布拉德梅恩锯木厂(Capture Bloodmayne Lumbermill)
- 攻占布拉德梅恩矿场(Capture Bloodmayne Mine)
- 攻占蓝路农场(Capture Blue Road Farm)
- 攻占蓝路要塞(Capture Blue Road Keep)