上古卷轴OL目前一共有 175 个具有技能点奖励的任务。
- 完美的计划(A Flawless Plan)
- 来自过去的幽灵(A Ghost from the Past)
- 国王级的问题(A King-Sized Problem)
- 漫长的冬季(A Lasting Winter)
- 沉默中的一课(A Lesson in Silence)
- 龙之怒(A Rage of Dragons)
- 和乌瓦法的了结(A Reckoning with Uwafa)
- 多刺玫瑰(A Rose of Many Thorns)
- 一个特殊请求(A Special Request)
- 现实与希望背道而驰(Against All Hope)
- 阿拉桑的阴谋(Alasan's Plot)
- 野心领主的终结(Ambition's End)
- 切断枯手(Amputating the Hand)
- 失控的命令(An Order Gone Awry)
- 意想不到的对手(An Unexpected Adversary)
- 远古残骸(Ancient Remains)
- 现在也许是和平(And Now, Perhaps, Peace)
- 墓之歌者安格夫(Angof the Gravesinger)
- 驱逐被驱逐者(Banishing the Banished)
- 血与沙(Blood and Sand)
- 血液、书籍和钢铁(Blood, Books, and Steel)
- 血债血偿(Blood for Blood)(Blood for Blood)
- 昔日之血(Blood of the Past)
- 王手上的鲜血(Blood on a King's Hands)
- 血脉至亲(Blood Relations)
- 血荆棘刺客(Bloodthorn Assassins)
- 生于忧患(Born of Grief)
- 血之约缚(Bound in Blood)
- 打破枷锁(Breaking the Shackle)
- 破碎的镣铐(Broken Bonds)
- 被埋葬的回忆(Buried Memories)
- 燃烧的秘密(Burning Secrets)
- 买家小心(Buyer Beware)
- 河流与根(By River and Root)
- 拆散骨头(Casting the Bones)
- 黑虫城堡(Castle of the Worm)
- 追逐暗影(Chasing Shadows)
- 吞噬黑暗(Consuming Darkness)
- 五方使者议会(Council of the Five Companions)
- 黑云压城(Dark Clouds Over Solitude)
- 黑暗启示录(Dark Revelations)
- 巨人的女儿(Daughter of Giants)
- 狼的女儿(Daughter of the Wolf)
- 黯光之境(Deadlight)
- 死亡低语(Deadly Whispers)
- 死亡与梦境(Death and Dreaming)
- 黑暗中的欺骗(Deception in the Dark)
- 加深的阴影(Deepening Shadows)
- 毁灭化身(Destruction Incarnate)
- 神的祝福(Divine Blessings)
- 黑暗边缘(Edge of Darkness)
- 永恒的沉睡(Eternal Slumber)
- 风暴之眼(Eye of the Storm)
- 佛克瑞斯之殇(Falkreath's Demise)
- 阖家团聚(Family Reunion)
- 填补虚无(Filling the Void)
- 战斗之火(Fires of Battle)
- 自然之力(Force of Nature)
- 永远保持沉默(Forever Hold Your Peace)
- 诡计之神(God of Schemes)
- 痛苦大厅(Halls of Torment)
- 幽冥深渊(Haunted Depths)
- 物质之心(Heart of the Matter)
- 黑木的英雄(Heroes of Blackwood)
- 永恒的希望之泉(Hope Springs Eternal)
- 寻找赞助者(In Search of a Sponsor)
- 进入地穴(Into the Deep)
- 乔德的核心(Jode's Core)
- 跳船(Jumping Ship)
- 亚龙蛋守护者(Keepers of the Shell)
- 灰烬王国(Kingdom of Ash)
- 岩洞之王(Kings of the Grotto)
- 获得的知识(Knowledge Gained)
- 黑暗之光(Light from the Darkness)
- 照亮暗影(Lighting the Shadows)
- 锁与钥石(Lock and Keystone)
- 在翻译中遗漏(Lost in Translation)
- 情人的刑罚(Lover's Torment)
- 方法与疯狂计划(Method and Madness)
- 疯狂心灵(Mind of Madness)
- 我的洞穴我的矿(Mine All Mine)
- 在幽暗沼泽中失踪(Missing in Murkmire)
- 圆月当空(Moonlight Ascent)
- 月光下的微粒(Motes in the Moonlight)
- 新月升起(New Moon Rising)
- 胜者为王(One Victor, One King)
- 新月教派(Order of the New Moon)
- 珀利地尔的末日(Pelidil's End)
- 瘟疫携带者(Plague Bringer)
- 位面融合倒转(Planemeld Obverse)
- 瘟疫计划书(Plans of Pestilence)
- 越狱(Prison Break)
- 净化命运之树(Purifying the Wyrd Tree)
- 信仰之问(Questions of Faith)
- 剃刀的刀锋(Razor's Edge)
- 恶有恶报(Reap What Is Sown)
- 洗心革面(Reformation)
- 让希尔维纳恢复如初(Restore the Silvenar)
- 女王的仪式(Rites of the Queen)
- 赛达尔的最终挫败(Sadal's Final Defeat)
- 汁与石(Sap and Stone)
- 第二次机会(Second Chances)
- 切断所有连接(Sever All Ties)
- 桑卡托的阴影(Shadow of Sancre Tor)
- 破碎希望(Shattered Hopes)
- 歃血为盟(Signed in Blood)
- 蛛丝与暗影(Silk and Shadow)
- 休斯爵士的命运(Sir Hughes' Fate)
- 松加德之歌(Songs of Sovngarde)
- 冷港的丧魂傀儡(Soul Shriven in Coldharbour)
- 践踏者辛穆尔(Stomping Sinmur)
- 突袭要塞(Storming the Garrison)(Storming the Garrison)
- 击打瓦伦伍德之心(Striking at the Heart)
- 即刻处决(Summary Execution)
- 沉没的宝藏(Sunken Treasure)
- 国王之怒(The Anger of a King)
- 蔚蓝枯萎(The Azure Blight)
- 溅血盾牌(The Blood-Splattered Shield)
- 水晶塔(The Crystal Tower)
- 黑暗永恒(The Dark Aeon)
- 巴勒斯之死(The Death of Balreth)
- 洛克汉的巢穴(The Den of Lorkhaj)
- 马卡斯城的暴君(The Despot of Markarth)
- 龙的巢穴(The Dragon's Lair)
- 龙卫(The Dragonguard)
- 希思特之梦(The Dream of the Hist)(The Dream of the Hist)
- 法奥楚的陨落(The Fall of Faolchu)
- 最后的突袭(The Final Assault)
- 第一步(The First Step)
- 冰冻之岛(The Frozen Isle)
- 坚石之门(The Gates of Adamant)
- 将军之陨(The General's Demise)
- 伟大狩猎(The Great Hunt)
- 疯狂之握(The Grip of Madness)
- 指引之光(The Guiding Light)
- 避难所(The Harborage)
- 泰尔瓦尼之心(The Heart of a Telvanni)
- 藤之王座(The Ivy Throne)
- 维洛斯的裁决(The Judgment of Veloth)
- 最后的野心领主(The Last Ambition)
- 解放北据城(The Liberation of Northpoint)
- 知识之光(The Light of Knowledge)
- 无光遗物(The Lightless Remnant)
- 漫长的比赛(盗贼公会)(The Long Game)
- 谈判(The Parley)
- 计划(The Plan)
- 《艾尔克许的骄傲》(The Pride of Alkosh)
- 艾斯维尔的骄傲(The Pride of Elsweyr)
- 亚龙人圣物(The Remnant of Argon)
- 梦之碎片的回归(The Return of the Dream Shard)
- 桑吉恩继任者(The Sanguine Successor)
- 三神封印(The Seal of Three)
- 窃皮者的巢穴(The Skin-Stealer's Lair)
- 保卫石刻之识(The Stonelore Defense)
- 赛特的怪异(The Strangeness of Seht)
- 沼泽与巨蛇(The Swamp and the Serpent)
- 萨恩的话语(The Tharn Speaks)
- 吸血鬼学者(The Vampire Scholar)
- 蒙面遗族崩塌(The Veil Falls)
- 西帝斯的怒火(The Wrath of Sithis)
- 荒野之王的王座(Throne of the Wilderking)
- 穿过防御屏障(Through the Shroud)
- 毁灭之潮(Tides of Ruin)
- 抓住一个法师(To Catch a Magus)
- 漫步遥远海岸(To Walk on Far Shores)
- 两个女王(Two Queens)
- 动荡的联盟(Uneasy Alliances)
- 亵渎坟墓(Unhallowed Grave)
- 追击黑暗(Unto the Dark)
- 瓦尔迷纳的开场白(Vaermina's Gambit)
- 刀锋谷(Valley of Blades)
- 所失去的(What Was Lost)
- 暗影的老巢(Where Shadows Lie)
- 林中的低语(Whispers in the Wood)
- 通道船工(Wright of Passage)